Ministry of National Development

Zsuzsa Németh

Minister of National Development

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The period of guaranteed return is over

Ministry of National Development, September 15, 2011 10:55 AM

In view of the global financial crisis and Hungary's special position, the Minister for National Development, Tamás Fellegi, argued for a redistribution of burdens and risks in his address made at the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary on the 13th of September, 2011.

Asia's leading biotechnological research institute will set up its Central European centre in Budapest

Ministry of National Development, September 13, 2011 1:10 PM

Representing the Ministry of National Development, Dániel Mendelényi, head of the Secretariat of the Commissioner for the Co-ordination of Hungarian-Chinese Bilateral Relations delivered a lecture on the achievements and perspectives of Hungarian-Chinese co-operation at the China Hi-Tech Fair conference in Budapest on 13 September 2011.

Changes in the internal organisation of the Ministry of National Development as from 12 September 2011

Ministry of National Development, September 12, 2011 12:44 PM

As part of the government reorganisations aimed at the efficient management of the impacts of the economic crisis, as from 12 September 2011, the Minister for National Development, Tamás Fellegi has transformed the Ministry of National Development (MND). Having successfully completed the duties in six sections of the presidency of the European Council, and in view of the experiences of the first year, the Ministry’s internal operation is now simplified with unchanged powers and duties. The current six state secretariats and eleven deputy state secretariats in charge of specific policies will be replaced by four and twelve, respectively.

Use of PPP is in Member States' exclusive discretion

Ministry of National Development, September 7, 2011 3:19 PM

At their informal meeting held in Sopot, Poland, on 6 September 2011, the transport ministers of the European Union discussed the possibilities of involving private capital in improving transport infrastructure. Presenting Hungary's position, Minister of State for Infrastructure, Pál Völner participated in the consultation of the ministers of the Visegrád countries.

Long-term Impact of the Pan-European Picnic on Hungary and Europe

Ministry of National Development, August 22, 2011 10:32 AM

The peace demonstration held near the town of Sopron on the Austrian-Hungarian border accelerated the collapse of the socialist regime and became a significant antecedent of the eastern expansion of the European Union, pointed out Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi at the 22nd Anniversary of the Pan-European Picnic in Sopron on the 20 August 2011. The event, also attended by Minister of State for the Coordination of Development Policy, Ágnes Molnár, the Minister inaugurated the reconstructed Commemorative Pan-European Picnic Park.

Development Ministry on the Achievements of the Hungarian Presidency

Ministry of National Development, July 19, 2011 4:55 PM

Hungary will benefit from it’s successful presidency in the long term, as stated during the press conference organised by the Ministry of National Development to give account of the activities and achievements of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Union with the participation of Minister Tamás Fellegi, Minister of State for Infocommunication Zsolt Nyitrai, Minister of State for Infrastructure Pál Völner and Deputy State Secretary for European Union and International Affairs Tamás Iván Kovács on 15 July, 2011.

Hungary Heading in the Right Direction to Increase Energy Safety in the Region

Ministry of National Development, July 19, 2011 12:57 PM

Minister for National Development Mr. Tamás Fellegi and Executive Director of the Paris headquartered International Energy Agency Mr. Nobuo Tanaka presented the publication entitled “A Review of Hungary’s Energy Policy - Achievements” in Budapest on 15 July 2011.

National Energy Strategy Adopted by Government

Ministry of National Development, July 18, 2011 10:38 AM

At its 13 July meeting, the Government adopted and will file the National Energy Strategy to Parliament. Based on new foundations, the Strategy ensures the long-term sustainability, security and economic competitiveness of energy supply in Hungary.

Achievements of Strategic Significance in Energy and Cohesion Policy

Ministry of National Development, July 18, 2011 10:31 AM

During its six-month presidency, Hungary contributed efficiently to the process of building a strong and competitive Europe, stated Deputy State Secretary for European Union and International Affairs of the Ministry of National Development Kovács Tamás Iván, who reported of the achievements first to the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Technology Committee (ITRE) and then to the Regional Development (REGI) Committee on 11 July 2011 in Brussels.

Transport Policy: the Hungarian Presidency Closed Successfully

Ministry of National Development, July 13, 2011 1:11 PM

Minister of State for Infrastructure Pál Völner gave account of the Hungarian Presidency's transport policy achievements to the competent committee (TRAN) in Brussels on 12 July 2011. He explained that relying on the work of the preceding Spanish and Belgian partners in the trio presidency, Hungary completed the ambitious transport policy objectives nearly without an exception.