Ministry of National Development

Zsuzsa Németh

Minister of National Development

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Priority government support to the national transport security programme

Ministry of National Development, March 28, 2012 2:05 PM

At its last meeting the Government approved of the submission made by the Ministry of National Development on the identification of for priority transport security project proposals in action plans, Deputy State Secretary for Transport Zoltán Schváb reported during the signing of the related support contract for Állami Autópálya Kezelő Zrt. (ÁAK) on 27 March, 2012 in Budapest. In acknowledgement of the significance of this unprecedented transport security programme, a decision was made to allocate HUF 38 billion on the aggregate for launching railway and public road infrastructure programmes to prevent accidents causing personal injuries.

Coordinated Visegrád position regarding the future of cohesion policy

Ministry of National Development, March 27, 2012 9:42 AM

Minister of State for Development Policy Coordination Ágnes Molnár participated in the consultation of heads responsible for cohesion policy in the Visegrád countries and Slovenia on 22 March 2012 in Prague. During the meeting the parties accepted a joint statement on their position regarding the proposed regulation package on the future of cohesion policy.

European transport network development: one step forward to agreement

Ministry of National Development, March 27, 2012 9:39 AM

The Transport Council discussed the draft regulation on trans-European transport network development in the first reading. Member State ministers for transport approved of a general approach on the draft on 22 March 2012 in Brussels. The proposed regulation, which is of outstanding significance for Hungary as well as the Central European region for both transport policy and economic considerations, sets out the directions of developing the European Union’s transport network up to 2050. Once the issues previously giving reason for concern had been reassuringly settled, the Hungarian delegation headed by Minister of State for Infrastructure Pál Völner voted for the approval of the general approach.

Compromise taking share regarding core network corridors

Ministry of National Development, March 22, 2012 1:16 PM

Transport ministers of the Visegrád countries and six other EU Member States affected by the Cohesion Funds met Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Transport Siim Kallas in Prague on 20 March 2012. The purpose of the consultation held on the initiatives of the current Czech presidency of the Visegrád countries was to present the mutual positions on the draft regulations related to the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) before the Transport Council’s relevant meeting.

Road renovations may start along some 1000 km from the funds available under the New Széchenyi Plan

Ministry of National Development, March 22, 2012 10:55 AM

With approval of the Ministry of National Development, renovation of minor roads registered under four and five-digit numbers is expected to start along nearly 945 km this year in the framework of the Regional Operational Programmes under the New Széchenyi Plan. In the first project to start on 21 March 2012, HUF 256 million will be used to renovate the 3 km road connecting Kerkafalva and Nagyrákos in Zala county. 47.2 km road may be renovated in the Western Transdanubia region from the funds allocated under the New Széchenyi Plan.

Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency to visit Hungary in the Summer

Ministry of National Development, March 8, 2012 2:15 PM

The Board of Governors (BG) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is holding its regular annual meeting between 5-8 March, 2012. Hungary is currently a member of the policy-making body of the organisation headquartered in Vienna. The Hungarian delegation is represented by Minister of State for Climate Change and Energy Pál Kovács of the Ministry of National Development acting as governor.

Common European action for the creation of the missing energy infrastructure

Ministry of National Development, February 20, 2012 10:31 AM

Tamás Iván Kovács Deputy State Secretary for European Union and International Affairs outlined Hungary’s position in issues related to European energy infrastructure development and energy efficiency improvement at the European Union’s Transport, Telecommunication and Energy Council meeting held on 14 February, 2012 in Brussels.

National Energy Strategy 2030 published

Ministry of National Development, February 15, 2012 10:42 AM

The National Energy Strategy 2030 was published by the Ministry of National Development. As from 14 February 2012, the document is also available in an electronic format in Hungarian and English on the Government’s website.

Safe and cheap nuclear energy may promote combating climate change

Ministry of National Development, February 13, 2012 3:47 PM

Representing Hungary, Minister of State for Climate Change and Energy Pál Kovács addressed the informal discussion of the European Union’s energy ministers, held on nuclear energy in Paris on 10 February 2012. The heads responsible for this specialisation in the Member States discussed energy policy challenges, and the appropriate ratio and sustainability of nuclear energy.

Quick Decision Expected on Handling the Malév Case

Ministry of National Development, January 9, 2012 3:08 PM

The Ministry of National Development acknowledges and will respect the European Commission’s decision ruling certain loans and capital increases granted to Malév between 2007-2010 as prohibited government aid. The ministry has prepared various scenarios for managing the situation, which will be updated and finalised with knowledge of the accurate content of the decision. The Government is expected to discuss the ministry’s recommendations regarding Malév’s future at its 16 January 2012 session. The operation of a national airline centred in Budapest and ensuring efficient enforcement of the national economic interests remains a priority objective. Maintenance of Malév’s uninterrupted operation is indispensable for the implementation of this effort.