Ministry of National Development

Zsuzsa Németh

Minister of National Development

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Preparations begin for the latest reduction in public utility charges

Ministry of National Development, February 19, 2013 5:36 PM

The Workgroup on reducing public utility charges including gas and electricity, water, sewage, refuse collection and chimney sweeping, held its first session today.

Hungary to utilize 2014-2020 EU funds in a more concentrated way

Ministry of National Development, February 7, 2013 4:58 PM

Hungary plans to utilize available funds in a more concentrated way than it does currently during the European Union's upcoming development period in 2014-2020, stressed Deputy Secretary of State for Development Programmes Nándor Csepreghy in Budapest on Thursday at the conference jointly organised by the Regional Development Holding and business magazine Piac és Profit (Market and Profit).

Swiss and Hungarian Artists to Decorate Children's Hospital Ward

Ministry of National Development, January 8, 2013 6:34 PM

In April of 2013 Hungarian artists will be painting colourful and cheerful pictures on the walls of the Démétér-house paediatrics department on the territory of Szent László Hospital in Budapest to make children who have to stay at the hospital during their medical treatment happier. This action was announced at a conference today by His Excellency Mr Jean-Francois Paroz, the Ambassador of Switzerland in Hungary and Dr. Albert Royaards, founder and board chairman of the Smiling Hospital Foundation.

North-Eastern county seat Debrecen provides major airline connection to destinations all over the world

Ministry of National Development, January 7, 2013 5:30 PM

Airport Debrecen (AD) registered an important rise in its passenger traffic last year due to the fact that Hungary’s low-cost airline Wizzair has launched scheduled flights from the airport to several European destinations, including Eindhoven, Milan and London.

Hungary earmarks HUF 268bn for upgrading hospitals, clinics

Ministry of National Development, January 3, 2013 3:15 PM

Hungary has earmarked 268 billion forints (EUR 0.92bn) for upgrading and extending regional hospitals and outpatient clinics this year, the National Development Agency (NFÜ) said in a statement on Thursday.

Authorities to investigate recent malfunction at Liszt Ferenc International Airport

Ministry of National Development, December 13, 2012 11:46 AM

The Aviation Authority has launched administrative proceedings to investigate the circumstances of a technical fault that forced Liszt Ferenc International Airport to shut down on 7 December.

Construction of the South Stream has commenced

Ministry of National Development, December 10, 2012 6:24 PM

With an official ceremony in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the construction of the South Stream pipeline has been launched near the South Russian town of Anapa.

The International Court of Arbitration in Washington Again Ruled in Favour of Hungary

Ministry of National Development, December 6, 2012 5:50 PM

In its ruling of 30 November 2012, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) rejected a significant part of the claims of the lawsuit filed by Electrabel SA against Hungary.

New border crossing points could be opened between Hungary and Romania

Ministry of National Development, November 20, 2012 5:31 PM

According to plans, 57 further road border crossing points may be opened between Hungary and Romania, Pál Völner, Secretary of State responsible for Infrastructure announced after negotiations with representatives of the related Romanian ministry on 16 November in Szatmárnémeti.

Hungarian Gas Forum – Consultations on developing the New Model for the Natural Gas Wholesale Market

Ministry of National Development, October 31, 2012 11:34 AM

The long-term contracts providing the backbone of Hungarian gas supply will expire in 2015. The possibility will open up in the meantime to develop a less concentrated wholesale gas market with larger competition.