Ministry of National Development

Zsuzsa Németh

Minister of National Development

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Portal Presenting the Green Investment Project to Launch

Ministry of National Development, June 9, 2011 11:38 AM

Early June 2011 saw the launch of a portal familiarising visitors with the Green Investment Scheme (Zöld Beruházási Rendszer, ZBR) as a thematic sub-site of the government website. gives guidance on the quota sales practice, news of the most recent developments, updates on topical issues and tender opportunities.

20-25 lives could be saved each year in Hungary by the introduction of the eCall emergency call system

Ministry of National Development, June 8, 2011 9:13 AM

Mr Zoltán Schváb, deputy state secretary for transport signed on behalf of Hungary the Memorandum of Understanding for Realisation of Interoperable In-Vehicle emergency call (eCall) system on 6 June 2011 in Lyon. Member states, vehicle manufacturers, telecommunication operators, insurance companies, and other stakeholders, which agreed on the common objectives, can join this cooperation since 2004. The ceremonial signing took place at the ITS in Europe conference held in Lyon.

Climate Talks Scheduled to Start in Bonn on Monday

Ministry of National Development, June 6, 2011 10:08 AM

Talks are due to continue on 6 June 2011 under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention with the struggle against climate change in focus. The European Union will be represented at the Bonn negotiations by the Hungarian Presidency and the European Commission. The purpose of the meeting, which is scheduled to finish on 17 June, is to bring about a new, comprehensive, global, and legally binding climate change agreement for the period to follow the expiry of the Kyoto Protocol.

UN to Remember 50th Anniversary of Human Spaceflight

Ministry of National Development, June 3, 2011 10:01 AM

Speaking on behalf of the European Union, Deputy State Secretary for European Union and International Affairs of the Ministry of National Development Kovács Tamás Iván addressed the participants on the first day of the 54th memorial session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, organised in Vienna on 1 June 2011 .

IT Security - a Key Issue

Ministry of National Development, May 26, 2011 10:26 AM

IT security, one of the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency, was an indispensable constituent of efficient policing, life and property saving - Minister of State for Infocommunication Zsolt Nyitrai of the Ministry of National Development pointed out at the opening ceremony o Tetra World Congress and exhibition on 25 May 2011 in Budapest.

Hungarian State to repurchase MOL shares

Ministry of National Development, May 25, 2011 11:27 AM

A series of direct negotiations between representatives of the Hungarian Government and those of Surgutneftegas, a Russian oil company, has been concluded with an agreement on the fate of a 21.2% MOL share package held by the company.

More Effective and Efficient Use of Resources Targeted

Ministry of National Development, May 25, 2011 10:07 AM

It is crucial for the regions to have a functioning Cohesion Policy with a clearly identified role, emphasised Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi at the press conference held in connection with the informal meeting of ministers for Cohesion Policy at Gödöllő on 20 May, 2011. During the meeting, the ministers discussed the future of Cohesion Policy in the interest of improving competitiveness of the European Union and the quality of life for its citizens.

European Union’s New Territorial Development Strategy Approved

Ministry of National Development, May 20, 2011 7:51 PM

As territorial cohesion is our common cause, the measures taken in the interest of its promotion are of crucial significance, Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi pointed out at the press conference that followed the informal meeting of ministers responsible for territorial development on 19 May, 2011 at Gödöllő. At the meeting the ministers approved of the Territorial Agenda 2020, the most significant framework of territorial cohesion. To continue the meeting, on Friday the responsible ministers will discuss the future of cohesion policy.

Publication “Renewable Energy - Hungary’s Renewable Energy Utilisation Action Plan, 2010-2020” Completed

Ministry of National Development, May 19, 2011 10:01 AM

Copy-edited by the Ministry of National Development, the publication entitled “Renewable Energy - Hungary’s Renewable Energy Utilisation Action Plan, 2010-2020” has been completed. Following its issue in 1250 printed copies in Hungarian and an equal number of copies in English, from 20 May 2011 the document is also accessible in an electronic format on the government’s website.

Increasing State Participation to Improve Competitiveness and Launch Economic Growth

Ministry of National Development, May 17, 2011 3:37 PM

Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi opened the financial summit of Hungarian Business Leaders Forum on 13 May 2011 in Budapest. In his lecture he reported that the various countries, markets and businesses had received the forward-looking and problem-solving government measures favourably. He added that the publication of the National Energy Strategy marked the commencement of social consultation over the document.