Ministry of Public Administration and Justice

Tibor Navracsics, Dr.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice

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Response to Transparency International’s Report

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, June 6, 2012 5:39 PM

Hungarian governments in the last twenty years combined have not done as much for preventing and reducing corruption and for achieving accountability as the government currently in office has in the past two years.

This is how the Castle will look!

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, June 5, 2012 4:12 PM

Plans have been presented of the Várbazár (Castle Bazaar) – a key element in the cityscape of the Buda Castle area. According to the schedule, the project will be completed by 2014, and as a result Budapest will be even more spectacular than it is at present.

Hungarians mark the Day of National Unity

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, June 5, 2012 10:54 AM

On Monday morning the Day of National Unity (also known as the Day of National Cohesion) was commemorated in Kossuth tér in front of the Hungarian Parliament with a ceremonial raising of Hungary’s national flag, accompanied by a guard of honour and the playing of the national anthem.

Hungary celebrates Day of National Cohesion at the weekend

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 30, 2012 12:39 PM

Parliament declared 4 June the Day of National Cohesion in 2010. The country is remembering this year for the second time the day of the signing of the Trianon peace dictate as the Day of National Cohesion and the fact that every member and community of the Hungarian nation subjected to the jurisdiction of multiple states forms part of the single, unified Hungarian nation. On the occasion of the Memorial Day, there will be family and cultural programmes all day on Sunday, 3 June at Kossuth tér in Budapest and ceremonial flag raising on Monday, 4 June.

There is no discrimination against the Roma in Hungary

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 25, 2012 3:53 PM

We do not agree with several findings of the US State Department’s survey entitled 2011 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices because there is no discrimination against the Roma in Hungary, however, we respect and appreciate the remarks, Zoltán Kovács, Minister of State for Government Communication told MTI on Thursday by telephone from New York.

Government disputes Amnesty report on Hungary

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 24, 2012 2:18 PM

The Hungarian Government does not agree with the findings concerning Hungary of Amnesty International’s annual report presented on 23 May.

The New Board for the Jewish Heritage Public Foundation of Hungary Held Its First Session

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 23, 2012 5:46 PM

The newly elected Board for the Jewish Heritage Public Foundation of Hungary, established by the Government of Hungary in 1997, held its ceremonial first session on 23 May, 2012. The Board had to be renewed so as to encompass the entire range of Hungarian Jewish communities and because too many members of the Board lived abroad, which caused difficulties in its operation.

Parliament has passed a child-friendly judicial legislative package

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 22, 2012 11:36 AM

By virtue of the legislative amendments passed by Parliament on Monday, children will receive particular attention and will enjoy protection and privileged treatment in every phase of the administration of justice. The legislative package treats underage crime victims and underage witnesses as a particular priority in order to ensure that the proceedings conducted as part of the administration of justice should not add to the trauma suffered.

Large-scale equestrian festival at Ópusztaszer

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 18, 2012 4:22 PM

This weekend, between 18 and 20 May, an equestrian festival will be held in Ópusztaszer which is the largest of its kind in the Carpathian Basin. The aim of the event is preservation and revival of equestrian traditions.

Navracsics holds talks with Russian justice minister in St Petersburg

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 17, 2012 1:37 PM

Tibor Navracsics, the minister of justice and public administration, held talks with Russian justice minister Aleksandr Konovalov in Saint Petersburg on Thursday on the sidelines of the 2nd International Legal Forum.