Ministry of Public Administration and Justice

Tibor Navracsics, Dr.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice

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Parliament debates the first package of bills related to the creation of a system of administrative districts

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, April 3, 2012 5:13 PM

One of the most important pillars of the Government’s strategy to review and renew the system of local and public administration is the creation of a system of administrative districts. A modern system of such districts will contribute to a more effective and rational system of public administration. To aid in the creation of this system, a specialist study was produced which looked at historical precedents and European practices.

More than 3,000 people took part in the Good State Forum

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, April 3, 2012 5:12 PM

On 30 January 2012 the Government launched the Good State Forum, which aimed to give the public the chance to contribute their comments and advice on the operation of public administration and the state.

Parliament passed the amendment of the data protection law

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, April 3, 2012 2:33 PM

On 2 April, Monday evening, Parliament passed the amendment of the data protection law which further reinforces the independence of the President of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. The changes made to the legislation address the concerns raised by the European Commission.

Rethink/re-button! A Major Success Once Again – Magyar is the Mode Contest

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, April 3, 2012 8:16 AM

A dress designed by a young architect sewn from tiny wooden slats inspired by Hungarian folk architecture won the Rethink/re-button! Magyar is the Mode Contest contest invited for the second time by Design Terminal, a background institution of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. A record number of 1000 entries were submitted this year.

Govt launches 2-year anti-graft programme

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 29, 2012 5:45 PM

Hungary's government has adopted a two-year programme on preventing corruption in central government institutions, Bence Retvari, the state secretary for public administration, said on Thursday.

Innovation on the agenda

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 28, 2012 4:08 PM

On 27 March Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics addressed the 12th annual general meeting of the Hungarian Association for Innovation, (Magyar Innovációs Szövetség). He said that the Government must support innovation and pioneering inventions must be built into the system – otherwise inventors might take their economically important innovative talents abroad, where they can be better rewarded.

Hungarian-French Conference Entitled “Modernisation Of Public Administration: Public Service Training Challenges in France and Hungary” was hosted by the Budapest French Institute on 21 March 2012

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 26, 2012 7:48 AM

The National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) together with its partner institute, the French National School of Administration - Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), the Budapest French Institute (BFI) and the French Embassy in Budapest organised a joint conference with a programme to focus on giving a better understanding of the current public administration reforms in both countries.

Modernisation Of Public Administration: Public Service Training Challenges in France and Hungary

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 24, 2012 12:05 PM

Hungarian-French Conference Entitled “Modernisation Of Public Administration: Public Service Training Challenges in France and Hungary” was hosted by the Budapest French Institute on 21 March 2012.

The Buda Castle, the pride of Budapest may regain its original beauty

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 23, 2012 5:02 PM

The refurbishment of the Castle Bazaar and the royal gardens of the Buda Castle may begin this autumn. The Danube Bank side of the Buda Castle, a world heritage site, the so-called Castle Bazaar may finally be refurbished after decades of decay. This reconstruction project is one of the top priority projects of the Government. The refurbishment of the monument situated in the very heart of the capital, a sight that greatly determines the panoramic view of Budapest, is of particular significance also from a tourism point of view and for the entire national economy.

State secy calls for separate EC assessment of each member's Roma strategy

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 23, 2012 12:01 PM

The European Commission should include in a report due out in April a detailed assessment of each member's Roma strategy instead of a general and concise assessment of the Roma inclusion strategy in Europe, the Hungarian state secretary for social inclusion said on Thursday.