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Investment of HUF 1.5 billion in Szarvas

Ministry of National Development, February 28, 2014 1:11 PM

The wastewater treatment plant in Szarvas, financed from public and EU funds, started its test run on 27 February, 2014. The investment was inaugurated by Minister of National Development Zsuzsa Németh, who also delivered an address at a conference held on the major EU investments in the town of Szarvas after the inauguration ceremony.

Night of Exercise to be held in June

Ministry of Human Resources, February 28, 2014 12:50 PM

The „Night of Exercise”, an event aiming at drawing attention to the importance of physical exercise and regular sports, will be organised for the first time in June 2014, Minister of State for Health Miklós Szócska announced at a press briefing on Thursday.

Philipp Missfelder receives Hungarian state decoration

Prime Minister’s Office, February 28, 2014 8:26 AM

Philipp Missfelder, Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation of the German Government, was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary yesterday.

V4 want to contribute to Ukraine democratization, says Martonyi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 27, 2014 5:59 PM

The Foreign Ministers of the Visegrád four countries are travelling to Kiev to support Ukraine’s endeavours to overcome the crisis and help democratisation, Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi said on 27 February 2014.

Minister Balog addressed the EESC's plenary session

Ministry of Human Resources, February 27, 2014 5:38 PM

Education and employment are the two key phrases in the integration of the Roma, Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog emphasised at the European Economic and Social Committee’s (EESC) plenary session in Brussels. The Hungarian Minister briefed the organisation about Hungarian achievements in this area.

PRRS Decontamination is Advantageous to Hungary

Ministry of Rural Development, February 27, 2014 5:12 PM

"The Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) decontamination of pigs causes no damage to either the country or to farmers, the level of contamination is only 10 percent at even the largest animal husbandry units and contaminated animals are slaughtered in the usual way, there is no forced culling", Endre Kardeván told Hungarian news agency MTI with regard to the fact that in his opinion several pieces of false information had appeared in the media recently with regard to the PRRS decontamination programme.

Further talks to come with Brussels over Paks capacity maintenance

Prime Minister’s Office, February 27, 2014 4:40 PM

The Hungarian Government will hold further talks with the European Commission on a number of issues regarding the capacity maintenance of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Minister of State heading the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár said on Thursday, stressing that Brussels fundamentally supports the project.

Building a country in which everyone can make a living from wages

Prime Minister’s Office, February 27, 2014 4:34 PM

The goal of the Hungarian government is to achieve full employment in Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told a local gathering in Ózd, in northern Hungary, on Thursday.

Ukraine Is the Most Important Security Issue in Europe

Ministry of Defence, February 27, 2014 4:07 PM

The situation in Ukraine and the development of the North Atlantic Alliance’s defence capabilities were top of the agenda at the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence on Wednesday, 26 February, it was revealed at a press conference held by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen following the discussions.

European Commission sees improved Hungarian economic outlook

Ministry for National Economy, February 27, 2014 4:02 PM

According to the European Commission’s Winter Forecast, Hungary’s real GDP growth is estimated to be 2.1 percent both in 2014 and 2015, which is an upward revision of the former prognosis.