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Public employment program is a gateway to the world of work

Prime Minister’s Office, February 25, 2014 1:10 PM

The Government's public employment program is a gateway to the world of work, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Vásárosnamény, at the opening of a new 1.8 billion forint (EUR 5.8m) data processing centre. He also stated that public workers must be supported and thanked for accepting the opportunity to "work rather than live off benefits".

Foreign Ministry of Hungary condemns extremist act in Berehove, Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 25, 2014 11:04 AM

The Hungarian Foreign Ministry condemns the intimidating action carried out by extremists in western Ukraine's Berehove (Beregszász) and calls for enforcing rule-of-law principles in Transcarpathia and in Ukraine as a whole.

Foreign Minister Martonyi received Czech Foreign Minister

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 25, 2014 9:03 AM

On the sidelines of the Visegrad Four foreign ministers’ meeting Foreign Minister János Martonyi had bilateral talks with his Czech counterpart, Lubomir Zaoralek.

Last year’s employment growth indicates of Job Protection Action Plan success

Ministry for National Economy, February 25, 2014 8:38 AM

Ministerial Commissioner Piroska Szalai, responsible for improving the labour market prospects of women, said at a press conference in Budapest that employment growth registered among both men and women in 2013 is the result of a successful Job Protection Action Plan.

Statement of the Hungarian Presidency of the Group V4

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 24, 2014 5:58 PM

The Foreign Ministers of the Visegrád Group and Bulgaria, Greece and Romania met in Budapest today in order to discuss issues of common interest to strengthen the cooperation between their countries and to exchange their views on current international developments, in particular the situation in Ukraine.

Hungary considers Pakistan an important partner

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 24, 2014 5:22 PM

Hungary considers Pakistan an important partner in its goal to build strong relations with the Asian nations, the Political Director of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in an interview to Pakistan’s The Express Tribune, published on 24 February 2014.

Visegrád Four Foreign Ministers call for swift assistance to Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 24, 2014 5:11 PM

On 24 February, the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a meeting for the foreign ministers of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries and three other European Union member states, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria.

Hungary adds extra 10 billion forints to healthcare budget

Ministry of Human Resources, February 24, 2014 5:04 PM

The Hungarian Government has increased this year’s healthcare budget by 10 billion forints (EUR 32.3 million) for the 2014 healthcare budget, Minister for Human Resources Zoltán Balog said at a press conference on Monday. He added that the extra money will go to general practitioners, health visitors and dentists. Minister of State for Healthcare Miklós Szócska added that compared to 2009 the budget for basic healthcare was 30 billion forints (EUR 96.9 million) higher, representing a 25 percent increase.

Pálinka Country Tasting Launched

Ministry of Rural Development, February 24, 2014 3:25 PM

Hungary's pálinka distilleries have until 7 March to submit their entries for the Pálinka Country tasting, and as a result of the competition a publication on the country's most outstanding fruit brandies will be published in early March, Minister for Rural Development and Chairman of the Hungaricum Committee Sándor Fazekas announced on Monday at the pálinka museum in Visegrád, north of Budapest.

Mihály Varga: „We belong again to Europe’s economic top league”

Ministry for National Economy, February 24, 2014 2:34 PM

In his speech delivered at the opening in Soltvadkert of a production facility of Material Plastik Ltd, an enterprise fully owned by Hungarians, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said that Hungary has been back among the best performers in Europe and we are regaining the position the country lost in 2002.