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Most successful schools in student sports awarded

Ministry of Human Resources, March 3, 2014 8:33 AM

The Hungarian Student Sport Association awarded those Hungarian schools on Thursday, who made the biggest contribution to the advancement of student sports by having the most entrants and winners in competitions.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the situation in Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 2, 2014 3:01 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary – re-affirming its previous declarations – expresses its grave concern with respect to the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine. We declare again that Hungary is committed to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of neighbouring Ukraine, and regards the violation of its territorial integrity as a non-observance of international obligations and the UN Charter.

Hungary to react to all insults at Ukraine’s Hungarian minority, says FM

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 1, 2014 7:29 PM

Transcarpathia’s troubled ethnic Hungarian minority has to face new dangers but Hungary will not leave any insult at them unanswered, Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi said in Uzhhorod (Ungvár), Ukraine 1 March 2014.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerned about Crimean situation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 1, 2014 7:27 PM

Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concern about the situation on the Crimean Peninsula and the massive Russian military manoeuvres.

Ukrainian PM pledges to settle language-law issue

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 1, 2014 7:26 PM

Ukraine’s newly appointed Prime Minister, Arsenij Yatsenyuk, pledged to the Visegrád Four foreign ministers that Ukraine would settle the language-law issue promptly, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi told MTI in Kiev 28 February 2014.

V4 foreign ministers hold talks in Donetsk

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 1, 2014 7:24 PM

The foreign ministers of the Visegrád Four countries, including Hungary’s János Martonyi, have asked their negotiating partners in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine, to prevent repeated efforts to resolve the Ukrainian conflict through violence 28 February 2014.

Hungarian public administration unfolded in the past four years

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, February 28, 2014 3:06 PM

The Hungarian public administration unfolded in the past four years and took part in the competition forming between public administration systems of different countries – said the Minister of Public Administration and Justice at the annual opening ceremony of the Administrative Fellowship Program in Budapest this Friday.

Stable family legislation created by the Government

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, February 28, 2014 2:30 PM

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, the Government established a firm legislation on family law in the recent years and the new Civil Code, which will enter into force on 15 March, focuses on the interests of children. Bence Rétvári spoke about these matters at the press conference in Budapest held this Friday; pointing out that due to the new rules, conditions became more predictable and supportive of childbearing.

Former President of Slovakia sends letter to Prime Minister Orbán

Prime Minister’s Office, February 28, 2014 2:22 PM

“Under your leadership, Hungary has successfully got back on its own two feet though its own efforts and has stepped onto the path of development in every aspect of economic and social life”, former President of Slovakia Rudolf Schuster wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Orbán.

„TiJöttök” (YourTurn) programme concluded successfully

Ministry for National Economy, February 28, 2014 2:16 PM

The successful “TiJöttök” programme, under which more than 2500 secondary school pupils had the opportunity to get to know options offered by a career in the field of technical or natural sciences over the past one year, has now been closed, said Minister of State Zoltán Cséfalvay at a press conference held in Budapest.