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Government support of HUF 1.3 billion for road development in Ferihegyi út

Ministry of National Development, March 5, 2014 11:13 AM

Making budget resources available will enable the construction of a more than 2 km long, new main road in the 17th district of Budapest. Ferihegyi út will help ease traffic in the eastern part of the city and improve the life quality of the inhabitants of the area, Minister of National Development Zsuzsa Németh said in Budapest on March 4, 2014.

Hungary closed last year with a larger foreign trade volume and surplus

Ministry for National Economy, March 5, 2014 10:53 AM

Hungary’s foreign trade posted a surplus of EUR 7bn last year, up by EUR 354 million in comparison to 2012. Accordingly, the volume of exports continued to exceed that of imports, while a dynamic increase was recorded in the total volume of foreign trade.

Enterprises utilized allowances for 800 thousand employees in January

Ministry for National Economy, March 5, 2014 10:18 AM

In January 2014, the number of employees for whom enterprises utilized allowances was some 800 thousand, up by 50 thousand in comparison to last year, Minister of State for Taxation and Fiscal Regulation Gábor Orbán said at a press conference.

Minister Martonyi: escalation of Ukrainian crisis is less likely

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 5, 2014 8:32 AM

The danger that the Ukrainian crisis might escalate further has diminished, Foreign Minister János Martonyi said on Tuesday.

Egyptian pharmaceutical Armanious Group opens R+D centre in Budapest

Prime Minister’s Office, March 4, 2014 5:43 PM

Egyptian pharmaceutical company Armanious Group inaugurated a 2 million euro research and development centre in Budapest on Tuesday. Hungary's State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó said the fact that a leading pharmaceuticals company from North Africa had located its R+D centre in Budapest signalled the success of the country’s policy of opening towards the East.

Government signs agreement with Constantinople Patriarchate

Prime Minister’s Office, March 4, 2014 5:36 PM

A strong and successful Hungary can only be built on national, Christian and European traditions, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after the Government signed an agreement with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Orbán calls for peaceful solution in Ukraine

Prime Minister’s Office, March 4, 2014 4:41 PM

Negotiations are needed to resolve the Ukrainian crisis because that is the only alternative to war, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Tuesday.

National Instruments constructing a HUF 4bn Science Park in Debrecen

Ministry for National Economy, March 4, 2014 3:45 PM

National Instruments Hungary Ltd (NI) is building a Science Park for some HUF 4bn at their headquarters in Debrecen, for which the enterprise has won EU funding of HUF 1.9bn through a New Széchenyi Plan tender, NI CEO László Ábrahám said at the topping out ceremony of the project. As the CEO stressed, some 300 people, mostly research and development engineers, are planned to be employed at the 6000sqm Science Park.

Statement of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrád Countries on Ukraine

Prime Minister’s Office, March 4, 2014 3:28 PM

The Prime Ministers of the Visegrád Countries are deeply concerned about the recent violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the fact that the Russian parliament has authorized military action on Ukrainian soil against the wishes of the Ukrainian Government. This represents a serious escalation. We condemn all action threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and call on to decrease the tensions immediately through dialogue, in full respect of Ukrainian and international law and in line with the provisions of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum.

Water Quality Improvement Project Launched

Ministry of Rural Development, March 4, 2014 2:42 PM

A water quality improvement project costing a total of over 600 million forints (EUR 2 million) has been launched in Kenderes-Bánhalma and Karcag with the support of the New Széchényi Plan.