Ministry of Public Administration and Justice

Tibor Navracsics, Dr.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice

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There was another consultation between the Government and participants of the Jewish Community Roundtable

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 31, 2012 11:19 AM

On behalf of the Government, Dr András Levente Gál, Government Commissioner for coordinating the implementation of the Good State development concept, had another consultation on Thursday with the representatives of the local and international Jewish religious communities attending the meetings of the Jewish Community Roundtable.

Hungarian-Slovak Inter-Governmental Talks regarding Cross-Border Cooperation

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 28, 2012 5:33 PM

Infrastructure development, situation of cross-border public transport services, employment issues – these were the topics, amongst others, that were discussed at the co-chair meeting of the Inter-Governmental Joint Hungarian-Slovak Commission for Cross-Border Cooperation held at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice today.

The State reclaims illegitimately used compensation funds from Claims Conference

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 27, 2012 6:32 PM

The US organization, Claims Conference, appointed in 2007 to disburse funds to holocaust survivors of Hungarian origin living abroad, has to date failed to render a legitimate account of the compensation funds that the Hungarian State provided for holocaust survivors, Government Commissioner András Levente Gál informed the US and Israeli Embassies today.

Hungarology Conference in Budapest

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 27, 2012 5:13 PM

A conference was held today at the Balassi Institute in Budapest on the experiences of teaching Hungarian language and culture. Speeches were also made at the event by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics and Minister of State for Social Relations Zoltán Kovács.

Ten-day Jewish Summer Festival in Budapest

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 24, 2012 4:22 PM

Sunday, 26 August sees the start of the 15th Jewish Summer Festival – one of Budapest’s most prestigious annual programmes of cultural events. Every year the festival attracts tens of thousands of visitors from Hungary and abroad to the Hungarian capital and its synagogue, which is one of Europe’s most beautiful. The Government has also provided funding for this important programme of cultural events.

European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 23, 2012 6:28 PM

Facing the past and honouring the victims of totalitarianism: President János Áder and Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics speak at today’s conference; State Secretary Bence Rétvári addresses the commemorative event.

Minister Navracsics’s speech: Our Common Resent Past - Why Europe Needs a Common Memory of the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 23, 2012 12:55 PM

Edited version of the speech delivered by Tibor Navracsics, Minister of Public Administration and Justice on 23 August at the “Confronting the Past” international conference in Budapest, on the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes.

Our fathers’ stories live with us – interview with Minister Navracsics

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 22, 2012 11:00 AM

Interview with Dr. Tibor Navracsics, Minister of Public Administration and Justice in the Hungarian history magazine Múlt-kor, on the occasion of the upcoming European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes.

Hundreds of thousands celebrated in Budapest on the day marking the anniversary of the foundation of the State

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 21, 2012 6:34 PM

In the evening of 20 August, the day that marks the anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian State, more than half a million people watched the ceremonial fireworks display held on the Danube Banks. The ceremonial events attracted much attention and were held in high spirits; thousands of tourists were able to share the festive atmosphere of one of Hungary’s greatest national holidays.

Budapest to host the European Memorial Day of the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 21, 2012 5:08 PM

Budapest is preparing for the European Memorial Day of the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes. Representatives of the Members States of the European Union are to attend a conference in the Hungarian capital on Wednesday, 23 August. The host of the Memorial Day is Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Dr Tibor Navracsics. Member States of the EU will be represented by justice ministers and state secretaries.