Prime Minister’s Office

Viktor Orbán

Prime minister

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NDA takes firmer action against offshore companies

Prime Minister’s Office, September 5, 2013 4:11 PM

The National Development Agency (NDA) will take firmer action than previously against offshore companies, Minister of State heading the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár said on Thursday. 44 thousand applicants who have received EU funding through NDA tenders will soon receive a call to fill out a new statement, he explained.

Prime Minister sent greetings to Hungarian Jewish leaders

Prime Minister’s Office, September 4, 2013 4:20 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sent greetings in a letter to the Hungarian Jewish community and their leaders on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. He wished the community and their leaders a "good and sweet year".

Government signs strategic cooperation agreement with HP

Prime Minister’s Office, September 4, 2013 3:56 PM

Hungary's government has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hewlett Packard Hungary. The company announced it is creating 175 new jobs in Hungary.

Public utility charges to be reduced again in November

Prime Minister’s Office, September 3, 2013 2:50 PM

The Government is open to the Fidesz parliamentary group's latest proposal for a further reduction in public utility charges, the Minister of State heading the Prime Minister's Office said at a press conference in Hódmezővásárhely on Tuesday. Public utility charges must be reduced by at least a further 10 percent before the start of the heating season, János Lázár stated.

Government decides on distribution of 250 billion forints in EU funding

Prime Minister’s Office, September 3, 2013 2:25 PM

During the past month, decisions have been made regarding the distribution of 250 billion forints in European Union funding; applicants will be notified during the course of this week, announced Minister of State heading the Prime Minister's Office János Lázár, who was also appointed head of the National Development Agency (NDA) as Government Commissioner last month.

359 school development programmes launched since 2010

Prime Minister’s Office, September 2, 2013 4:52 PM

Hungary is today in a position to be able to develop its schools and education system, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a school opening on Monday.

State Secretary Péter Szijjártó discusses trade opportunities with Brazil

Prime Minister’s Office, September 2, 2013 2:17 PM

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó received his Brazilian counterpart Hadil Fontes da Rocha Vianna for talks in Budapest on Monday.

Expanding cooperation between Hungary and India

Prime Minister’s Office, August 29, 2013 2:10 PM

Hungarian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó agreed with Indian officials on Thursday to explore setting up a joint financial fund to support cooperation between the countries' small and medium-sized firms.

180 new jobs in Gyál

Prime Minister’s Office, August 29, 2013 11:04 AM

Sauflon CL Ltd., which manufactures contact lenses, is creating 180 new jobs in Gyál, announced State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó and Managing Director of Sauflon CL Ltd. János Peer on Wednesday at the company's plant in Gyál.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received the Mayor of Shanghai

Prime Minister’s Office, August 28, 2013 5:39 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received the Mayor of Shanghai Yang Xiong in Budapest on Wednesday.