Ministry of Interior

Sándor Pintér, Dr.

Minister of Interior

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Disco tragedy: near 850 clubs have been inspected

Ministry of Interior, March 18, 2011 12:16 PM

The Government’s intention is to prevent cases similar to the tragedy that happened at the “West Balkán” club in January, declared András Tállai, the State Secretary for the Local Governments Matters, at the press conference held on Friday together with the Government’s Spokeswomen Anna Nagy on introducing details from the Government’s Decree on “A safer operation of public places, clubs, and discos.”

Strengthening the cooperation in combating human trafficking

Ministry of Interior, March 17, 2011 3:42 PM

An international seminar was held in Budapest on “Strengthening the cooperation in combating human trafficking in South-eastern Europe” on 17-18 March 2011. Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis, the Ambassador of the United States in Budapest, Peter Widermann, the Director General of ICMPD, and Maria Grazia Giammarinaro the special representative of OSCI held a press conference in the Ministry of Interior on the results of the seminar.

Red Mud Catastrophe: consequences and experiences

Ministry of Interior, March 1, 2011 12:25 PM

We have witnessed the true way how our nation joined its forces in averting the consequences of the red mud catastrophe – highlighted Károly Kontrát, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, in his opening of the Conference on Red Mud Catastrophe: consequences and experiences held at the Hungarian Academy of Science. In the frame of this event, two agreements on cooperation were signed between the Hungarian Academy of Science and the Hungarian Catastrophe Management.

Sándor Pintér: We would like to have another type of Police

Ministry of Interior, February 25, 2011 8:43 AM

“We would like to achieve a much better state of public order and security in small settlements than that was earlier, and the subjective feeling of security should become stronger among inhabitants.” – emphasized Sándor Pintér, the Interior Minister at the Police Headquarter‘s annual meeting of assessment and task setting on Friday, 25 February 2011.

Welfare and Crime Prevention sub-project

Ministry of Interior, February 24, 2011 6:06 PM

Since October 2008, neighbourhood police have been patrolling the streets of the Magdolna Quarter. They are to build and maintain close relationships with the locals, to learn what they think of public safety and to help resolve their problems.

Presidency for stronger Frontex

Ministry of Interior, February 10, 2011 1:18 PM

The Hungarian Presidency is committed to protecting EU borders and playing a key role in the activities of border security agency Frontex, Interior Minister, Sándor Pintér, declared on 9 February 2011 in Gödöllő, a city near Budapest. The minister delivered his speech at the meeting of Frontex’s Management Board.

Pursuant to Government’s decision, issuing permits will be bound to administrative procedures

Ministry of Interior, February 3, 2011 8:52 AM

The Government would make the night life safer by modifying several related statutory provisions. The Government’s decision says organisers of an event with more than 300 guests and those of outdoor parties expecting more than 1,000 guests will in future have to apply for permits from authorities. – The Interior Minister Sándor Pintér announced.

Damage Easement

Ministry of Interior, December 17, 2010 9:34 AM

Government passed resolution 1148/2010. (VII. 8.) on the reconstruction of the buildings damaged in the extreme weather of May-June, 2010.

Annual evaluation of the National Militia Association

Ministry of Interior, December 17, 2010 8:52 AM

Since the amendment of the infringement act in August, the number of shop-lifting fell by 40 percent, according to the feedback of traders working in large towns – said Sándor Pintér, Minister of Interior, at the annual evaluation presidency meeting of the National Militia Association (NMA) on Friday.

Development of crime prevention system

Ministry of Interior, December 16, 2010 2:56 PM

The Ministry of Interior improves the crime prevention system in a measure of two billion Forints at several levels in the frame of the New Hungary Development Plan Social Renewal Operative Program accentuated project (TÁMOP 5.6.2).