Ministry of Defence

Csaba Hende

Minister of Defence

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Hungarian soldiers leaving for Afghanistan

Ministry of Defence, September 3, 2012 6:22 PM

Some 300 Hungarian soldiers will leave for Afghanistan to serve at Kabul airport, in a provincial reconstruction team, an air training command team and an air advisory team from September, Defence Minister Csaba Hende said on Monday.

Minister of Defence Csaba Hende shakes hands with Hungarian soldiers departing to Afghanistan

Ministry of Defence, August 30, 2012 5:22 PM

The Hungarian troops will be stationed at the Kabul airport, where they will, among other tasks help guard and operate the airport. At the request of the North Atlantic Alliance, the Hungarian Defence Forces will take over the lead nation role in force protection (FP) at Kabul International Airport (KAIA) for six months as of October 1, 2012.

Hungary Transforms Its Role in Afghanistan

Ministry of Defence, August 23, 2012 3:55 PM

While Hungary’s Afghanistan policy remains unchanged, at the request of NATO the Hungarian Defence Forces are going to transform their role in Afghanistan so that they can contribute even more effectively to the Asian country’s becoming independent and more secure, Defence Minister Csaba Hende stressed at a press conference on Thursday.

Open letter from the Hungarian Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Defence, August 22, 2012 4:01 PM

Open letter from the Hungarian Ministry of Defence regarding the latest articles appearing in the New Zealand media.

Preparations under way for the 20 August national holiday

Ministry of Defence, August 17, 2012 2:50 PM

Lt Mariann Gömör at the dress rehearsal of the oath-taking ceremony, that will take place Monday morning in front of the Parliament Building.

Hungarian MoD rejected the criticism of New Zealand’s Prime Minister

Ministry of Defence, August 10, 2012 1:53 PM

New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key criticised the Hungarian troops this week, saying that they refused to patrol after dark in Baghlan, the province under Hungarian control, and their reluctance had led to an increase in insurgent activity in the area. Referring to the critics the Ministry of Defense (MoD) in Hungary issued a statement that the Hungarian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) had met the International Security Assistance Force requirements and performed its mission at a high standard.

Farewell to the 7th HDF group to join KFOR

Ministry of Defence, August 1, 2012 5:04 PM

A farewell ceremony was held in Szolnok for the troops of the Hungarian Defence Forces, the seventh group leaving for Kosovo to relieve their KFOR colleagues.

We Can Gain Strength from the Transatlantic Aviators’ Example for Everyday Acts of Heroism

Ministry of Defence, July 19, 2012 5:21 PM

We all have to do our work in our own places within the limits of our possibilities, and if we dare to dream, we will be able to cope with every difficulty, Defence Minister Csaba Hende said at the memorial to the transatlantic aviators in Bicske on July 15.

Dead Hero’s Grave Found in Ukraine

Ministry of Defence, July 19, 2012 5:14 PM

On Friday, July 13 Lt.-Col. Dr. László Töll, the Head of the MoD Military Heritage and War Grave Care Department and his deputy, Maj. Roland Maruzs announced one of the most significant events of Hungarian war grave care in the Balaton St. compound of the Ministry of Defence. The mortal remains of vitéz nemes József Barankay – a legendary Hungarian officer serving with the self-propelled artillery (SPARTY) branch – have been found and identified in the Hungarian–German heroes’ cemetery in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.

EOD Team Used Hook and Line Kit to Remove IED From Tanker Truck

Ministry of Defence, July 16, 2012 11:12 AM

Last weekend, Hungarian and Afghan EOD technicians saved the lives of hundreds by removing a magnetic bomb from a tanker truck filled up with 16,000 liters of kerosene in downtown Pol-e Khomri. The commander of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) and the chief of the EOD cell told us the story.