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A road linking Kétvölgy and Felsőszölnök has been opened by the Slovenian and Hungarian Prime Ministers

Prime Minister’s Office, January 13, 2014 3:22 PM

On Friday afternoon, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his Slovenian counterpart Alenka Bratusek inaugurated a road linking Kétvölgy and Felsőszölnök in Vas County, close to the Slovene border, of which Prime Minister Orbán said: the construction of this road represents a victory over our weaknesses.

Minister of State Fónagy represented Hungary at the funeral of Ariel Sharon

Ministry of National Development, January 13, 2014 1:48 PM

Minister of State János Fónagy represented the Hungarian Government at the funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Hungarian small schools have a secure future

Ministry of Human Resources, January 13, 2014 9:54 AM

The Hungarian Government will keep an equal focus on both the smallest villages and largest cities, while in public education it will ensure that even the most underprivileged children are given the same opportunities as their peers born into better circumstances, State Minister for Public Education Rózsa Hoffmann said at a press conference in the northwest Hungarian village of Veszprémvarsány on Friday.

Hungarian and Slovenian prime ministers agree on establishing more border crossings

Prime Minister’s Office, January 10, 2014 4:18 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán signed a declaration of intent with his Slovenian counterpart Alenka Bratusek on developing road infrastructure and creating six new border crossing points between the two countries.

Simplification process of the government reduced administration by a quarter

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 10, 2014 2:31 PM

With implementing the administrative simplification process Hungary succeeded in reducing administrative burdens with 25 percent. The promise originally meant to lower entrepreneurial administrative necessities, but the government was able to realize this reduction on the whole population. Unnecessary bureaucratic burdens were eliminated in 228 processes, so less paperwork, forms and standing-in-lines will burden the citizens. With the simplification of directives and shortening of administration periods, enterprises got rid of useless obligations in 96 processes. Also, formal simplification has been carried out on the legislation process, with which more than 3400 unneeded parliamentary resolutions and other decisions were repelled.

Minister Martonyi: cooperation with Roma Self-Government to enhance social cohesion

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 9, 2014 5:08 PM

Foreign Minister János Martonyi declared that the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) was cooperating with the National Roma Self-Government (NRS), with social inclusion was becoming a part of foreign policy.

Settlements in Komárom-Esztergom County to be Relieved of HUF 20 billion debts this year

Ministry for National Economy, January 9, 2014 4:58 PM

After the consolidation of over one billion forints implemented last year, the Government is to settle the remaining debts of Oroszlány, amounting to ca. 900 million forints, Minister of National Development Zsuzsa Németh announced in Oroszlány on 9 January, 2014.

Lake Balaton is viable as a tourist region together with Bakony and the Balaton Uplands

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 9, 2014 4:57 PM

Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics claimed that "as a tourist region, Lake Balaton is viable only with Bakony and the Balaton Uplands, which together is capable to offer a wide variety of programmes throughout the whole year" at the two-day European Destination Marketing Conference this Thursday, organized in Balatonfüred.

Government signs partnership agreement with Leier Hungária

Prime Minister’s Office, January 9, 2014 4:56 PM

The Government of Hungary signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the local unit of Austrian construction materials manufacturer Leier, based in Győr (northwest Hungary) on Thursday.

Economic sentiment index at 10-year high

Ministry for National Economy, January 9, 2014 4:03 PM

On the basis of the latest data, the seasonally adjusted economic sentiment index of GKI-Erste improved further in December 2013. According to the GKI survey, the economic sentiment index increased to -2.9 points in December, and it is the best reading in more than 10 years: the indicator exceeded this level only in October 2002.