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Hungary financially stable

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 14, 2014 9:26 AM

Financial stability has been achieved in Hungary without any kind of social or political problems, Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi said in an interview to a Chilean daily.

Victims of the Don commemorated in Debrecen

Ministry of Defence, January 14, 2014 9:08 AM

A large number of people gathered in the military cemetery in Debrecen in the morning of 10th January in order to commemorate the victims of the Soviet breakthrough on the river Don. At the 71st anniversary of the tragic events in the Don bend a wreath-laying ceremony was organized by the 5th Bocskai István Rifle Brigade and the Debrecen branch of the “Honvédség and Society” Support Group.

Irish driver starting sentence in Hungary

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 14, 2014 8:47 AM

Francis Ciaran Tobin, the Irish driver who was sentenced in Hungary for killing two children in a crash nearly 14 years ago is starting his sentence in Hungary, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics said on Monday.

The "Land for Farmers" Programme is principally aimed at helping Family Farms and Young Farmers

Ministry of Rural Development, January 13, 2014 5:20 PM

"The 'Land for Farmers' Programme is principally aimed at helping family farms and young farmers by enabling them to improve their production conditions", the Ministry of Rural Development's Minister of State in charge of the State Land Programme said at a press conference in Budapest today.

Campaign for high school students on the conscious use of social media

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 13, 2014 5:17 PM

The Ministry of Public Administration and Justice initiated the program called’ Internet never forgets’, in order to draw attention to cyberbullying. The first interactive lesson took place in Budapest, at the Gundel Károly Vocational School of Catering and Tourism this Monday.

We can be proud of Hungarian experts at CERN

Prime Minister’s Office, January 13, 2014 4:57 PM

Hungary can be proud of its engineers, IT experts and physicists working at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated on Sunday.

Hungary begins consultations on social workers’ career blueprints

Ministry of Human Resources, January 13, 2014 4:37 PM

The Hungarian Government will begin consultations with the interested parties about social workers’ career models, State Minister for Social and Family Affairs Miklós Soltész said on Monday.

A new era begins for consumer protection

Ministry for National Economy, January 13, 2014 4:37 PM

Over the past four years, consumer protection has undergone a profound change. One of the proofs confirming this is the fact that the protection of consumer rights has been incorporated into the basic law of Hungary, Minister of State for Economic Regulation Kristóf Szatmáry said at a press conference in Budapest.

Statement by the Government Information Centre

Prime Minister’s Office, January 13, 2014 4:05 PM

The Government of Hungary has been examining opportunities for the use of nuclear energy in Hungary for four years on the authority of the National Assembly. Accordingly, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Russian President Vladimir Putin reviewed issues relating to the several decades old Hungarian-Russian economic and nuclear cooperation most recently on 31 January 2013.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán travels to Moscow

Prime Minister’s Office, January 13, 2014 3:25 PM

According to the Prime Minister’s Press Chief, Bertalan Havasi, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is travelling to Moscow on Tuesday for a scheduled visit.