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Hungary to receive EUR 1.9bn extra in CAP Funding

Ministry of Rural Development, January 20, 2014 8:36 AM

Hungary will receive 1.9 billion euros more from the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) budget in the period 2014-2020 than it did in 2007-2013, György Czerván said at a press conference in Budapest on Saturday.

Winemaking is the "Jewel" of Hungarian Agriculture

Ministry of Rural Development, January 20, 2014 8:32 AM

Hungarian viticulture and winemaking has always been the jewel of Hungarian agriculture, Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas said on Sunday in Ópusztaszer.

Prime Minister: Hungary can be proud of its SMEs

Prime Minister’s Office, January 18, 2014 3:17 PM

Hungary's businesses have achieved a success story, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the Role Model of the Year Award Gala on Friday. The event was organised by the Role Model Foundation (Példakép Alapítvány), established in 2013 as a civil initiative aiming to acknowledge and direct attention towards successful young Hungarian entrepreneurs.

Public sector needs change in culture along with a generation switch

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 18, 2014 12:25 PM

A change in culture was the aim of the Hungarian Public Administration Scholarship Program along with the switch in generations, as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics said when he greeted nearly one hundred young graduates of the program in the Parliament this Friday.

Public administration scholarship for disabled students

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 18, 2014 12:21 PM

The Government announces a public administration scholarship for disabled university students. The program serving the ends of equality aims to see young people accumulate employment experience in ministries and through that have an opportunity to access permanent employment. The details of the programme were announced by Monika Balatoni, Minister of State of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice stated at her press conference in Budapest this Friday.

There was no pre-agreed time for a proposed meeting between the Austrian and Hungarian Ministers of Agriculture

Ministry of Rural Development, January 18, 2014 12:19 PM

According to the Ministry of Rural Development, the information published by Austrian news agency APA, according to which the Hungarian and Austrian Ministers had agreed on a prearranged time for a meeting at the Berlin International Green Week agriculture fair, is incorrect, the Ministry told Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.

Youth support offices opening in Hungarian cities

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 17, 2014 4:03 PM

With two new Contact Point offices, now every county town in the South Trans-Danube region is ready to serve young people who are looking for help in planning their future or searching for answers related to learning. Coming from the development efforts of the New Generation Plus program two bodies were opened in Szekszárd and Kaposvár by Peter Mihalovics, Ministerial Commissioner in charge of the future of the new generation.

Hungarian and Slovenian ministers sign agreement on joint air control

Ministry of Defence, January 17, 2014 3:00 PM

Hungary's Gripen fighters will join air control operations in Slovenia in line with an agreement signed by Hungarian Defence Minister Csaba Hende and his Slovenian counterpart, Roman Jakic, at the air base of Kecskemét, on Friday.

Hungarian-German Agricultural Turnover Expanding Dynamically

Ministry of Rural Development, January 17, 2014 2:40 PM

Hungarian-German agricultural turnover is expanding dynamically; last year, exports exceeded one billion euros, according to preliminary figures, Minister of State for Food Chain Supervision and Agricultural Economy Endre Kardeván told Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday in Berlin at International Green Week, the world's largest agricultural expo.

Paks power plant crucial for competitive economy

Prime Minister’s Office, January 17, 2014 2:01 PM

The Paks power plant plays a crucial role in keeping the Hungarian economy competitive, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his regular public radio interview on Friday morning.