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Government considers SMEs strategic partners

Ministry for National Economy, January 20, 2014 4:59 PM

The Government considers small and medium-sized enterprises strategic partners and is designing its plans in a way to boost employment and economic growth around SMEs, Minister of State for Economic Regulation Kristóf Szatmáry said on Monday.

New Generation Contact Point Office opens in Szombathely

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, January 20, 2014 4:55 PM

New Generation Contact Point Office is ready to give essential advices for young people between ages of 12 and 20 regarding career decisions, life management and employment; the institution was handed over this Monday in Szombathely by regional parliamentary representative Csaba Hende, and Dr. Péter Mihalovics, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for the coordination of the Future of New Generation Program.

Memorial Day for Deportation of Ethnic Germans from Hungary

Ministry of Human Resources, January 20, 2014 4:51 PM

On Sunday, the deportation of ethnic Germans was remembered in Hungary for the second time. It was on this day in 1946 that the first wagon set out from Budaörs, marking the beginning of the deportation of the German minorities living in Hungary.

The deportation of Hungary's ethnic Germans is the nation’s irreplaceable loss

Prime Minister’s Office, January 20, 2014 4:22 PM

According to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the deportation of Hungary's ethnic Germans, which happened 68 years ago, is the nation’s irreplaceable loss.

Brussels did not indicate any problem with Paks nuclear power plant’s extension

Prime Minister’s Office, January 20, 2014 3:14 PM

The extension of the Paks nuclear power plant is important for Hungary’s sovereignty –the Hungarian Government’s spokesman said on news channel HírTV on Saturday. András Giró-Szász highlighted that the current blocks would cease to operate by 2037, which would lead to a 40% reduction in Hungarian electricity production. Without the implementation of this necessary measure by the Government, power dependency would increase greatly.

Zsolt Németh: Africa is the continent of the 21st century

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 20, 2014 12:54 PM

Africa is the continent of the 21st century, and accordingly Hungary places great emphasis on developing relations with African countries, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry's Parliamentary State Secretary Zsolt Németh declared on Friday during an official visit to Africa.

Hungary has rectified most of its education system's inherited problems

Ministry of Human Resources, January 20, 2014 12:29 PM

The Hungarian public education system has by now shed most of its inherited problems, Minister of State for Public Education Rózsa Hoffmann said on the second day of the 14th Educatio International Education Fair on Friday.

Minister of State Zoltán Kovács attends conference on housing segregation in Madrid

Ministry of Human Resources, January 20, 2014 12:26 PM

The elimination of housing segregation and the improvement of the life quality of those living on estates were the topics of the international conference held on Thursday and Friday in Madrid, which was also attended by Zoltán Kovács, Minister of State for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of Human Resources, the State Secretariat told Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.

Hungary strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Kabul

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 20, 2014 12:04 PM

The Government of Hungary strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Kabul that claimed the lives of more than twenty people. Taliban rebels committed a suicide attack and an armed attack against a Lebanese restaurant popular among foreigners in the Afghan capital on January 17 and killed twenty-one people, mostly foreigners.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary condemns the murder of ethnic Serb politician in Kosovo

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 20, 2014 12:03 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary strongly condemns the assassination of Dimitrije Janićijević, an ethnic Serb politician in the town of Mitrovica in Kosovo, and expresses its sympathy to the victim's family. Janićijević, who ran for mayor of Kosovska Mitrovica late last year, was gunned down in front of his home shortly after midnight on January 16.