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New Local Council System Introduced

Ministry of Interior, November 15, 2012 5:39 PM

The majority of the changes in the local council system will take place in 2013, State Secretary for Municipal Affairs at the Interior Ministry András Tállai announced. From January, the State will take over a significant proportion of the burdens from local councils, primarily within the fields of education, healthcare and social affairs, he stated, adding that both the tasks and budgets of local councils will be significantly modified.

Gyula Budai: Hungary Must Remain GMO-Free!

Ministry of Rural Development, November 15, 2012 5:25 PM

"Hungary was among the first to say no to including genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agricultural production, and this situation has not changed: the country must remain GMO-free", said the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Gyula Budai on Wednesday in Gödöllő.

Ministerial Talks in Bratislava on Developing Defence Cooperation

Ministry of Defence, November 15, 2012 5:15 PM

On Thursday, November 15 in Bratislava, Minister of Defence Csaba Hende held talks with Slovak Defence Minister Martin Glvác on several concrete projects which are relevant to the cooperation between the armed forces of Hungary and Slovakia.

Sixteenth session of the Hungarian-Slovakian Intergovernmental Joint Committee

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, November 15, 2012 5:09 PM

Co-Chairmen of the 16th session of the Hungarian-Slovakian Intergovernmental Joint Committee in Visegrád, Slovakian State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior Jozef Buzek, Hungarian Minister of State at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice Erika Szabó and Hungarian Minister of State for National Development János Fónagy.

Europe must be built upon the solid foundations of Christianity

Prime Minister’s Office, November 15, 2012 4:45 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has presented Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Bishop of Vienna, with the Grand Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit in Parliament, emphasizing that Europe is solidly based on Christianity. The bishop of Vienna received the award for the facilitation of Central European catholic cooperation, the determined support of Hungary and the constant protection of Europe’s Christian roots.

Deputy State Secretary Szabolcs Takács in the Philippines

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, November 15, 2012 4:28 PM

Szabolcs Takács, Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had meetings with high-level officials in Manila, Philippines.

The European Commission acknowledged budget deficit to be below 3 percent in 2012 and 2013

Ministry for National Economy, November 15, 2012 4:14 PM

The previous Government submitted the Budget Bill for 2010 on the basis of entirely unsubstantiated data. Without the extraordinary measures of the Government headed by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the greater than anticipated economic growth central budget deficit would have exceeded 7 percent in 2010. Economic growth, which was almost 2 percent higher than in the submitted macro outlook, improved fiscal balance by almost 0.7 percent. The combined net effect of the two action plans reduced deficit by another 2 percent, whereas the measures of December improved the central budget position by almost 0.5 percent in 2010.

Legislation is being harmonised with electronic public services

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, November 15, 2012 4:00 PM

A new public administration development project is being launched within the New Széchenyi Plan. In the coming months, the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice is carrying out a review of the legislative environment necessary for the widest possible implementation of public e-services. Thus public administration is being brought in line with ever more customer-friendly approaches, not only in terms of the government windows which are opening across the country, but also in the area of public e-services.

IUCN Director General receives Pro Natura Award

Ministry of Rural Development, November 15, 2012 2:13 PM

Hungarian-born Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Julia Marton-Lefevre has been awarded the Pro Natura Award for her determined work in the interests of global environmental protection and conservation, and for the facilitation of environmental education and sustainable development. The award was bestowed by Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas.

New Prospect for Filtering Out Fraudulent Land Purchase Agreements may come before Parliament

Ministry of Rural Development, November 15, 2012 2:11 PM

Today, the Government is discussing a proposal, which may therefore also soon be put before Parliament, according to which access will be provided to land registry office databases in the interests of filtering out pocket contracts, announced Balázs Szabó, Head of Department from the Ministry of Rural Development on Wednesday.