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Hungary attends Europe's Largest International Organic Food Fair

Ministry of Rural Development, February 13, 2013 4:03 PM

Deputy Secretary of State Katalin Tóth is representing the Ministry of Rural Development at BioFach, one of Europe's largest international organic food and agriculture trade fairs held from February 13-16 in Nuremberg.

Hungary is Not Affected by the Horsemeat Scandal

Ministry of Rural Development, February 13, 2013 3:46 PM

According to the information we have available, frozen products similar to those found to contain horsemeat in a few Western European countries have not entered Hungary.

Tenders for job creation to be announced again this year by the Ministry for National Economy

Ministry for National Economy, February 13, 2013 2:19 PM

As in the past couple of years, the Ministry for National Economy will this year also publish tenders aimed at generating jobs. As a result of such support, the Ministry expects that 5200 new jobs will be created at micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, Ministry of State for Employment Policy Sándor Czomba said at a press conference in Budapest.

Rózsa Hoffmann: Public education may serve as a basis for improving higher education

Ministry of Human Resources, February 13, 2013 2:03 PM

Public education may serve as a basis for the improvement of higher education, said outgoing Minister of State for Education Rózsa Hoffmann.

Hungarian-Swedish ministerial meeting

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 12, 2013 7:30 PM

Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi welcomed Mrs Ewa Björling, Swedish Minister of Trade, on February 12, 2013.

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding North Korea’s nuclear test

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 12, 2013 6:03 PM

Hungary learnt with dismay that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea detonated yet another nuclear test device on 12 February 2013 despite repeated calls for restraint by the international community.

The Prime Minister calls new Opel investment in Szentgotthárd unprecedented

Prime Minister’s Office, February 12, 2013 5:13 PM

German car manufacturer Opel is expanding its unit in Szentgotthárd. The project is worth EUR 130 million, which will create 160 new jobs and increase production space by 1600 square meters, announced Opel’s Deputy President Joachim Koschnicke at the press briefing, which was held jointly with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The Prime Minister called the investment project unprecedented.

Swedish-Hungarian conference on connecting modern technologies and energy efficiency

Ministry for National Economy, February 12, 2013 4:45 PM

How can intelligent technological solutions contribute to saving energy, cutting expenses or the sustainable development of a city? – asked Swedish Trade Minister Ewa Björling at the press conference as the motto of an event organized in Budapest by the Embassy of Sweden, Business Sweden and the Ministry for National Economy.

Remembering civilian victims of the Second World War

Prime Minister’s Office, February 12, 2013 2:41 PM

It is the duty of all public personalities, politicians and teachers to keep the horrors of war in memory in order to prevent them from happening again, Minister of State heading the Prime Minister's Office János Lázár said at a commemorative event in tribute to the civilian victims of the Second World War in Budapest’s Farkasrét Cemetery on Tuesday.

Hungarian economic policy is based on financial stability and reforms

Ministry for National Economy, February 12, 2013 12:41 PM

The two pillars of Hungary’s economic policy are financial stability and reforms, Minister of State at the Ministry for National Economy Zoltán Cséfalvay said at a conference.