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Foreign Minister warns of further political attacks against Hungarian Government

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 7, 2013 3:38 PM

Hungary’s Government has reacted to critics by explaining its position and changing laws in several contested areas, yet „no one should expect political attacks to cease,” Foreign Minister János Martonyi told weekly magazine Heti Válasz in an interview on Thursday.

The State of the Central Sub-Sector of the State Budget in February 2013

Ministry for National Economy, March 7, 2013 3:28 PM

Key features of financial processes regarding the central sub-sector of the state budget in February 2013.

Growth must be achieved while continuing to decrease debt and the deficit

Prime Minister’s Office, March 7, 2013 2:57 PM

"Growth must be achieved while continuing to decrease debt and keeping the budget deficit in check", stressed Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Warsaw.

Prime Minister Orbán receives the Indonesian President

Prime Minister’s Office, March 7, 2013 2:15 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and five Hungarian ministers received the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the Parliament Building on Thursday. Indonesia, with its 250 million inhabitants, has the strongest economy in South-East Asia, is among the G20 states and is considered the largest Muslim country in the world.

Sándor Fazekas: Water Management is a National Issue

Ministry of Rural Development, March 7, 2013 12:27 PM

"The constitutional regulations regard domestic water assets as a natural treasure, and its management is a challenge for us all", said Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas on Tuesday in the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County town of Fegyvernek at the first stop in the series of public debates on the latest National Rural Development Strategy.

Viticulture and Viniculture Must Reclaim its Rightful Position

Ministry of Rural Development, March 7, 2013 11:51 AM

"We must find those opportunities, which improve the situation of Hungarian rural areas and move Hungarian agriculture forward", the Ministry of Rural Development's Parliamentary State Secretary Gyula Budai announced at an event held to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the birth of János Mathiász.

Deputy Prime Minister Navracsics offered compromise to Secretary General Jagland

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 7, 2013 11:44 AM

Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics called it an acceptable compromise in a letter sent to Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland last December that the President of the National and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) should invariably be appointed for nine years term but only for a single term.

Deputy Prime Minister Navracsics’s letter to Secretary General Jagland

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 7, 2013 10:59 AM

The Deputy Prime Minister has sent a letter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland, regarding the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary, on March 7 2013.

Minister of State Győri: EP temporarily divided regarding medium-term budget

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 6, 2013 7:23 PM

The European Parliament currently is strongly divided regarding the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework – said Minister of State for EU Affairs Enikő Győri on 5 March 2013 in Brussels. Enikő Győri held discussions with MEPs and tried to convince them to approve the agreement.

Chances are high for Hungary to rise to be among the most successful EU states

Prime Minister’s Office, March 6, 2013 5:55 PM

During the course of his visit to Warsaw, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met Polish university students while giving a lecture at the University of Warsaw. The audience of about 200 people, comprising students and lecturers, welcomed him with a large round of applause.