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In focus: stability, predictability and increasing confidence

Ministry for National Economy, March 12, 2013 6:36 PM

The new leadership of the Ministry for National Economy considers stability, predictability and increasing confidence the cornerstones of its policy. Economy Minister Mihály Varga does not believe it necessary to introduce new measures for addressing the plight of forex debtors, but he intends to extend and fine-tune those already in place.

Minister Martonyi on the constitutional amendment

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 12, 2013 4:00 PM

Minister János Martonyi called the extent of the reactions to the constitutional amendment “somewhat surprising” in the March 12, 2013 edition of the Financial Times.

Hungarian organizations may apply to participate in new cultural routes 6 March 2013

Ministry of Human Resources, March 12, 2013 3:41 PM

The Council of Europe has acknowledged Hungary’s accession to the enlarged partial agreement of Cultural Routes, thus from now on Hungarian organizations and institutions can also apply to be part of new cultural routes.

Tokaj Trading House representation opened in Tokyo

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 12, 2013 2:29 PM

The Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. (Tokaj Trading House Co.) has opened a representation in Tokyo that will also help promote the national image of Hungary.

Hungarian and Slovak Ministers of Interior meet to discuss EU-related topics

Ministry of Interior, March 12, 2013 11:31 AM

Among other topics, EU-related political issues were also discussed at the meeting of Hungarian Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér and his Slovak counterpart Robert Kalinák, who also serves as Deputy-Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic.

Prime Minister’s speech in Parliament

Prime Minister’s Office, March 11, 2013 6:21 PM

On Monday Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed his dissatisfaction with a recent court ruling in connection with the Government's efforts to reduce utility bills. A Budapest court ruled in favour of natural gas providers last week against the Hungarian Energy Office's decree establishing fees for grid use, according to a report by business daily Napi Gazdaság.

The Government supports families in need

Ministry of Human Resources, March 11, 2013 5:14 PM

It is the Government’s high priority to assist families in home-buying and retaining the homes already in their possession. Due to the measures of the Government, hundreds of thousands of families have been saved from the loss of their homes by the introduction of early repayment schemes and exchange rate limits.

Viktor Orbán holds negotiations with the Secretary General of FINA

Prime Minister’s Office, March 11, 2013 11:23 AM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received Paolo Barelli, the Secretary General of international swimming federation FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation) and President of European swimming league LEN (Ligue Européenne de Natation).

Minister Martonyi: the autonomy of communities strengthen the state

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 11, 2013 11:06 AM

The idea of Transylvania’s re-annexation to Hungary is total nonsense, Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi told the Romanian all-news channel Digi24 on March 9, 2013.

Hungary is committed to EU norms on the constitutional amendment

Prime Minister’s Office, March 9, 2013 12:47 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has written to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission to assure him of Hungary's commitment to European norms with regard to the amendments to the Fundamental Law.