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Private sector funding is important to Hungarian innovation

Ministry of Human Resources, June 26, 2013 4:42 PM

Hungarian higher education receives 2.5 times more financial support from the private sector than from the state and this practice should continue, Minister of State for Higher Education István Klinghammer declared at a press conference held prior to the opening of the Swedish-Hungarian Innovation Days education-related event on Wednesday in Budapest.

Revised church law adopted by Parliament

Ministry of Human Resources, June 26, 2013 4:25 PM

On Wednesday Parliament passed new rules concerning the recognition of church organisations, following the decision of the Constitutional Court, which annulled some passages in the original church law. Most of the amended legislation's provisions will take effect on August 1, 2013.

Montenegro plays key role in strengthening Hungary’s investment position in the West Balkan region

Prime Minister’s Office, June 26, 2013 4:02 PM

The Hungarian-Montenegran economic joint committee is holding its current session in Podgorica. On the occasion of this session, State Secretary for External Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó is holding negotiations with Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Branimir Gvozdenovic.

Accession talks with Serbia to commence by January 2014

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 26, 2013 3:38 PM

Formal talks with Serbia on EU accession are to commence by January 2014 at the latest - Foreign Minister János Martonyi revealed the decision reached at the meeting of the EU Ministers of European Affairs in Luxembourg on June 25.

CoE monitoring proposal dropped against Hungary

Government, June 26, 2013 3:14 PM

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe dropped plans to launch a monitoring procedure against Hungary.

Joint Declaration of the Visegrad Countries and Croatia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 26, 2013 3:00 PM

Joint Declaration of the Foreign Ministers of the Visegrad Countries and Croatia on the Occasion of the Croatian Accession to the EU
(26 June 2013, Budapest)

European Roma Platform to Meet in Brussels

Ministry of Human Resources, June 26, 2013 2:54 PM

The European Platform for Roma Inclusion will hold its next meeting on Thursday under the auspices of the European Commission focusing on the opportunities of Roma children and youth, the involvement of Roma leaders, and process monitoring on the ground in the field of Roma inclusion and integration.

Deputy Prime Minister encourages Washington to play a more active role in Central Europe

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, June 26, 2013 11:37 AM

Washington should play a more active role in Central Europe and make "brave" use of the region's experiences, Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said. If the United States’ presence carries on diminishing in the region, Russia or another country will turn up and take its place, he stated in a discussion at the Heritage Foundation think-tank.

Shifting to higher added value production is a priority

Ministry for National Economy, June 25, 2013 5:42 PM

It has been one of the objectives of Hungary’s economic policy to move towards high added value production within which the strengthening of research, development and innovation are to play a key role, Minister of State for Economic Strategy Zoltán Cséfalvay said at a speech he gave in the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) in Washington.

Sándor Fazekas recommends advance payments from EU agrarian funds

Ministry of Rural Development, June 25, 2013 5:33 PM

Hungary has proposed that the European Commission consider the possibility of allowing advance payments from this year's area-based EU agriculture funds in view of flood damage, Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas stated in the recess of a meeting of EU agriculture ministers in Luxembourg.