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Hungary welcomes PACE resolution on protecting national minorities

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April 11, 2014 12:31 PM

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice have welcomed that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution in support of the rights of European national minorities.

Central European Cyber Security Platform held its third meeting in Vienna

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, April 11, 2014 11:40 AM

Established in 2013, the Central European Cyber Security Platform (CECSP) in which government organizations dealing with cyber security, National Security Authorities and Governmental and Military Event Manager Teams of Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia are involved, will strengthen further the cyber-defence cooperation of the Visegrád Countries and Austria, while assisting the development of a regional operational cyber-defence partnership with the setting up of working groups. An agreement was set on this issue as well among other things in Vienna, at the third CECSP taking place from 9 to 10 this April.

Raising charges against Malina shocking

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April 11, 2014 8:19 AM

The Hungarian Government finds it shocking that the Slovak chief prosecutor’s office has brought charges against Hedvig Malina Zsak as a suspect of false testimony, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said 9 April 2014.

Volume of exports continue to increase in Hungary

Ministry for National Economy, April 10, 2014 4:10 PM

In the first month of 2014, foreign trade posted a surplus of EUR 482 million, up by EUR 209 million compared to January 2013 and higher than the figure published in the preliminary report. In January, the volume of exports and imports increased by 6.1 percent and 3.6 percent, respectively. According to the latest preliminary data published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), in February 2014 the surplus of foreign trade totalled some EUR 766 million.

Double-digit tourism sector growth continues

Ministry for National Economy, April 10, 2014 3:13 PM

Data published earlier today by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) regarding the tourism traffic at accommodation establishments in the month of February show a marked growth of 10-20 percent compared to the previous year, which was also a year of record high expansion. Although tourism traffic is typically low in January and February, the increase of tourism nights and revenues at accommodations give room for optimism as far as this year is concerned.

The EU is against the tax-free status of home-made pálinka

Ministry for National Economy, April 10, 2014 11:50 AM

The European Union has decided that the distilling of pálinka shall be subject to taxation even under the quantity of 50 litres per year. Following the decision, the Government will initiate consultations with the European Commission with the aim of ensuring that the tradition of distilling pálinka lives on in Hungary in accordance with the EU regulatory framework.

Hungary’s foreign trade volume continues to increase

Ministry for National Economy, April 10, 2014 9:51 AM

The multi-month upward trend of the volume of Hungary’s foreign trade continued in 2014: in the first month of the year, exports and imports increased by 6.1 percent and 3.6 percent, respectively, while foreign trade surplus is up by EUR 209 million, to EUR 482 million, in comparison to January 2013. Industrial output growth and the significant increase of industrial export orders have already augured positive data.

Extremists on "left and right" should stop street aggression, says minister of state

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, April 10, 2014 9:02 AM

Extremists on the "left and right" should stop aggression on the streets in connection with a planned memorial to the victims of Hungary's German occupation, minister of state Bence Retvari said on Wednesday.

The country’s only Roma minority secondary school celebrates its twenty years

Ministry of Human Resources, April 10, 2014 8:59 AM

The Gandhi Secondary School and the more than eight hundred students who took their school-leaving examinations there „convey the message that the Roma integration efforts genuinely make sense”, Zoltán Kovács, Minister of State for Social Inclusion of the Ministry of Human Resources stated on Wednesday in Pécs at the jubilee ceremony of the school.

Government is studying still the court decision of Strasbourg

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, April 9, 2014 4:03 PM

The Government is still studying the verdict of the European Court of Human Rights of Strasbourg about matters regarding Hungarian church law – said the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice on a morning TV programme of the Hungarian television channel this Wednesday.