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Hungary army capabilities make major advance, says defence minister

Ministry of Defence, July 8, 2013 5:45 PM

A major development of capabilities started four years ago within Hungary’s armed forces, the defence minister said in an interview. The development process will continue under the country’s military concept fully supported by NATO, he said.

Conference of European churches may boost Europe’s christian renewal, says Human Resources Minister

Ministry of Human Resources, July 8, 2013 5:37 PM

This year’s assembly of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) held in Budapest is hoped to give an impetus to the notion of Europe’s renewal based on Christian values, Hungary’s Human Resources Minister Zoltán Balog said on Saturday evening, addressing the event.

Day of Slovaks in Hungary celebrated

Ministry of Human Resources, July 8, 2013 5:36 PM

The Day of Slovaks in Hungary was celebrated in Pálháza, a village on the Slovak border in north-eastern Hungary, on Saturday. In his address after an ecumenical service in the local Catholic church, Human Resources Minister Zoltán Balog emphasised the importance of friendship and mutual trust between the Hungarian and Slovak nations.

Stipendium Hungaricum - the new Hungarian student scholarship programme

Ministry of Human Resources, July 8, 2013 5:30 PM

The Stipendium Hungaricum Student Scholarship Programme also contributes to the development of the host institution by increasing the capabilities of our universities and colleges to attract foreign students through assuring payment of course costs, and also contributes to increasing our international competitiveness.

Summer camp of disadvantaged and Roma children has opened in Velence

Ministry of Human Resources, July 8, 2013 5:22 PM

The summer camp organised by the National Roma Government opened on Monday in the locality of Velence situated in Fejér County where five hundred disadvantaged and Roma children will enjoy a summer holiday in the next few weeks, thanks, inter alia, to the funding of HUF 15 million provided by the Ministry of Human Resources.

Agreement on compensation of Holocaust survivors living in foreign countries

Prime Minister’s Office, July 8, 2013 5:06 PM

State Secretary heading the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár has concluded an agreement with the Jewish Heritage of Hungary Public Endowment and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany so that Holocaust survivors of Hungarian origin living in foreign countries may receive compensation as soon as possible.

State of the central sub sector of the state budget in June

Ministry for National Economy, July 8, 2013 4:26 PM

In the month of June 2013, the central sub sector of the state budget registered a monthly deficit of 162.3bn HUF. Within that, the central state budget posted a deficit of 186.4bn HUF, while Extra Budgetary State Funds and Social Security Funds registered surpluses of 9.4bn HUF and 14.7bn HUF, respectively.

Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle calls for close cooperation between V4 and Baltic states

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 8, 2013 3:24 PM

The Visegrad Group should cooperate closely with the Baltic states, Foreign Ministry Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle declared in Riga on July 5.

Support for small and medium-sized entreprises is a priority for the Government

Ministry for National Economy, July 8, 2013 1:08 PM

The Government will treat support for small and medium-sized companies (SME) as a priority this year, Economy Minister Mihály Varga told a business forum today.

Moroccan Minister Saad Addin Al-Osmani held talks with Minister Martonyi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 5, 2013 3:55 PM

Hungary and Morocco are ideally situated to boost each other’s commercial and investment activities in their own respective regions, Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs said. Morocco is an ideal bridgehead for Hungarian companies into the rest of Africa, Minister Martonyi told a joint news conference with Saad Addin Al-Osmani, his Moroccan counterpart.