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Government to table own relief package for foreign currency debtors

Ministry for National Economy, October 28, 2013 12:58 PM

In the opinion of Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga, the proposals of the Hungarian Banking Association disclosed last week do not address the two most pressing problems, and therefore the Cabinet will present its own recommendations for the relief of foreign currency debtors.

General government debt down by 4 percentage points over three years

Ministry for National Economy, October 28, 2013 12:03 PM

Hungary’s government debt-to-GDP ratio decreased by more than 4 percentage points over the past three years, Minister of State for Taxation Affairs Gábor Orbán said at a press conference in Budapest.

Deputy State Secretary Péter Wintermantel visits Japan

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 28, 2013 9:33 AM

Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs Péter Wintermantel paid a visit to Japan from 24 to 26 October. During his visit, Mr Wintermantel held consultations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Besides the official meetings, he also participated at the event celebrating 23 October, Hungary’s National Day.

Deputy Prime Minister Navracsics: plans to draw back youth to Hungary

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, October 25, 2013 11:29 AM

Hungary must pursue the goal of drawing young people who have been staying in Europe back to their homeland, Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said on Friday.

Plans to phase out foreign currency loans in coming years

Ministry of National Development, October 25, 2013 11:27 AM

The Ministry of National Economy is drafting a plan that would see the monthly payments of foreign currency mortgage holders drop by 15-20 percent from 2014 and the loans themselves phased out over the next 3-5 years.

Hungarian Post Company and new savings cooperative integration to form closer future ties to promote development in rural Hungary

Ministry of National Development, October 25, 2013 10:18 AM

By reforming the system of savings cooperatives, the Government does not only perform an economic policy task but aspires to achieve important social and development policy goals as well: primarily to improve the development of rural Hungary. Since, in many places, there are only post offices or only savings cooperatives available, it is very important goal to provide national coverage of the comprehensive range of banking, insurance, investment and postal products and services.

Minister of Defence Csaba Hende has separate talks as well with Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel NATO MoDs meet in Brussels

Ministry of Defence, October 25, 2013 8:20 AM

During the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence in Brussels Hungarian Minister of Defence Mr Csaba Hende had separate talks as well with his American counterpart Mr Chuck Hagel on 22nd October.

Csaba Hende: Minor Changes in Missile Defence, Afghanistan not to be Abandoned

Ministry of Defence, October 25, 2013 8:18 AM

“Changes in the European missile defence system are insignificant, but the Russians seem willing to participate in further negotiations. The most important lesson regarding the situation in Afghanistan is that Afghanistan must not be abandoned,” said Mr. Csaba Hende Minister of Defence in his interview given to the Hungarian News Agency, MTI, after his meeting with the Defence Ministers of NATO Member States on Wednesday, 23rd October.

Minister of State Cséfalvay spoke about innovation strategy at biotechnology conference

Ministry for National Economy, October 24, 2013 5:29 PM

The Biotechnology Outreach Conference, organised by the Hungarian Biotechnology Association took place in Budapest October 24. Minister of State Cséfalvay, who was the patron of the event made the opening remarks. He talked about Hungarian economic policy also with regard to future plans, as well as the Government’s innovation strategy.

János Martonyi pays tribute Sir Georg Solti at the inauguration of his statue

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 24, 2013 5:12 PM

On October 22, a statue commemorating world-famous Hungarian-born conductor Sir Georg Solti was inaugurated in front of the freshly renovated Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest; Foreign Minister János Martonyi gave a speech at the inauguration ceremony.