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Mihály Varga met with the President of the European Economic and Social Committee

Ministry for National Economy, November 4, 2013 3:15 PM

At talks with Hungary’s Minister for National Economy, European Economic and Social Committee President Henri Malosse expressed satisfaction with regard to results that Hungary has achieved in the field of employment, as the employment rate has recently hit a two-decade high.

EESC chief examines Hungary’s crisis management measures

Prime Minister’s Office, November 4, 2013 11:52 AM

President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Henri Malosse held talks with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Monday. Mr. Malosse is in Hungary to study the innovative steps that have enabled the country to recover from the economic crisis.

Official communiqué of the Informal Meeting of the Defence Ministers in Brussels

Ministry of Defence, November 4, 2013 10:25 AM

An informal meeting of the Defence Ministers of the Troop-Contributing Nations in ISAF's Regional Command North took place in Brussels, 23 October 2013. The official communiqué of the event can be read below:

Joint Communiqué following the CEI foreign ministers meeting

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 31, 2013 4:37 PM

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the Central European Initiative (CEI) held their annual meeting in Gödöllő (Hungary) on 31 October 2013. The meeting was organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, the 2013 Hungarian CEI Presidency, in cooperation with the CEI Executive Secretariat. The event was held back to back with the Visegrad Group + Western Balkans (WB) Foreign Ministers Meeting organised on 30-31 October in Gödöllő.

Legal issues concerning foreign exchange loans must be settled first

Ministry for National Economy, October 31, 2013 4:31 PM

The legal issues concerning foreign exchange loans must be clarified first and an economic solution can follow, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said.

Upward employment trend continues: number of people in employment nearing 4 million

Ministry for National Economy, October 31, 2013 4:05 PM

In Hungary, the number of people in employment continued to rise, as 54 thousand more people were in employment in July-September 2013 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, according to the flash report of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) published last week. The total number of people in employment thus reached a historic peak of 3 million 990 thousand.

Cooperation between state and church should be strengthened

Prime Minister’s Office, October 31, 2013 2:56 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán signed a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian Lutheran Church at the Deák Square Lutheran Secondary School in central Budapest.

Successful Negotiations in Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Rural Development, October 31, 2013 2:09 PM

The Ministry of Rural Development's Minister of State for Public Administration Géza Poprády and Managing Director of Hungarian National Trading House Co. Vilmos Skultéti are on a visit to Saudi Arabia to promote investment opportunities in Hungarian agriculture.

Zoltán Kovács visits children’s chances programme

Ministry of Human Resources, October 31, 2013 2:00 PM

Zoltán Kovács, Minister of State for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of Human Resources paid a visit to Berettyóújfalu to attend the local opening event of the Children’s Chances programme which was awarded funding worth HUF 600 million from the New Széchényi Programme. The Minister of State also visited the Komád and Biharkeresztes Sure Start Children’s Centres.

Joint Statement of the Visegrad Group on the Western Balkans

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 31, 2013 1:15 PM

The Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries and their Western Balkan counterparts took place under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency of the V4 on 31 October 2013 in Gödöllő, Hungary.