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Trekking supported as key government task

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, December 2, 2013 3:16 PM

Supporting trekking is an important and priority task for the Hungarian Government, said Monika Balatoni, Secretary of State for Social Relations of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice (KIM) at a press conference before the 100th anniversary celebration of the Hungarian Trekking Association.

Support for national creative industry as key government goal

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, December 2, 2013 3:12 PM

The national creative industry has received an unprecedented amount of Government funding and attention in support, stressed the State Secretary for Social Relations of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice in Budapest on Saturday.

Zsolt Németh: Hungarian-Moroccan relations are promising

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, December 2, 2013 1:46 PM

Morocco may serve as Hungary's gateway to the Arab world and Africa, and Hungary can do the same for Morocco in Central Europe, the Foreign Ministry's Deputy State Secretary declared following his official visit to the North African country.

Supporting Hiking is a High Priority for the Government

Ministry of Rural Development, December 2, 2013 1:43 PM

Mónika Balatoni, the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice's Minister of State for Social Relations, called supporting hiking an important and high priority task of the administration at a press conference on Saturday preceding an event marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Hungarian Hiking Association.

Zsolt Németh maintains his position concerning the László Tőkés case

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, December 2, 2013 1:17 PM

MFA State Secretary Zsolt Németh sees no reason to reconsider his statement concerning the proposal to revoke the Romanian state decoration that was awarded to László Tőkés in recognition of his contribution to the democratic revolution in Romania in 1989.

A period of development expected for Hungary

Ministry for National Economy, December 2, 2013 1:15 PM

The coming period is a period of development, as the Government plans to allocate some 10 percent – about HUF 700bn -- of EU funding within the 2014-2020 fiscal period to research and development, Minister of State for Parliament Zoltán Cséfalvay said at a business lunch where representatives of the Swiss-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Italy’s Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary participated.

Government to continue social land programme

Ministry of Human Resources, December 2, 2013 1:10 PM

This year some 151 localities were awarded HUF 250 million for social land programmes, and farming opportunities were provided for the needy in an area of three hundred hectares. The Government will continue the programme, the Minister of State for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of Human Resources said on Sunday at the press conference held in Sóshartyán in Nógrád County.

Hungary Plans to Double the Area of Land used for Ecological Farming

Ministry of Rural Development, December 2, 2013 11:58 AM

The Government plans to double the area of land used for ecological farming in Hungary during the upcoming 2014-2020 European Union financial period, the Ministry's Deputy State Secretary for Parliamentary, Social and International Relations Katalin Tóth said at the 26th Bioculture Science Day on Saturday in Budapest.

State Secretary Szijjártó signs economic and education agreements in Argentina

Prime Minister’s Office, December 2, 2013 11:52 AM

Hungary's State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations signed agreements on economic and educational cooperation in Argentina, as part of his three-day tour in South America, on Friday.

Minister of State Klinghammer on the value of knowledge

Ministry of Human Resources, December 2, 2013 11:14 AM

Minister of State for Higher Education István Klinghammer made a presentation on “the value of knowledge” in Németh László Secondary Grammar School, in Hódmezővásárhely. As a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a professor in Cartography, the Minister of State has introduced the higher education institutions, the system of higher education and the value of knowledge to the school-leavers. In his presentation, he attached special importance to fact that Hungary can play a leading role in the academic competition of the 21 century.