Ministry of Rural Development

Sándor Fazekas, Dr.

Minister of Rural Development

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Hungarian and German Ministers of Agriculture Jointly Open Hungarian Pavilion at Grüne Woche Fair

Ministry of Rural Development, January 21, 2012 5:18 PM

Hungary is taking part in the world's largest Food and Agriculture Fair, the International Green Week held in Berlin, for the fortieth time this year; the Hungarian Pavilion was jointly opened on Friday by Hungarian Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas, German Minister of Agriculture Ilse Aigner, and the Mayor of Berlin.

Hungarian Agriculture Concludes Excellent Year

Ministry of Rural Development, January 17, 2012 5:02 PM

On the whole, Hungarian agriculture has concluded an excellent year, crop results were good and the export-import balance was positive – announced the State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development on Tuesday in Hévíz at the opening of the Baki Agro Centre's first agricultural economy day of the year.

Ignác Darányi Plan Launched – A New Lease of Life for Rural Areas means Renewal for Hungary!

Ministry of Rural Development, January 16, 2012 7:05 PM

"Hungary was always at its strongest when its agriculture was flourishing", said Viktor Orbán at the conference organised at the Ministry of Rural Development to present and launch the new Ignác Darányi Plan.

New Law on Environmentally Friendly Waste Management

Ministry of Rural Development, January 10, 2012 5:08 PM

One of the first new laws to be discussed in the Parliament's spring session is the proposed bill on waste management, which will be presented by the Minister for Rural Development. The new law will create the conditions for uniform, efficient and environmentally friendly waste management, and provides incentives for a new approach to the issue. The bill clarifies the definition of waste, and determines in detail how waste should be handled. It squarely determines the tasks and responsibilities of both market participants and the public, as well as the advantages gained. It clearly defines who is the producer and receiver of the waste, i.e. those involved in waste management: collection, transport, salvaging, processing.

Product Descriptions of Hungarian Wine Names already in Brussels

Ministry of Rural Development, January 4, 2012 5:10 PM

Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas has already signed the national resolution approving the product descriptions of Hungarian wines, and so the Ministry of Rural Development has submitted them to the European Commission.

Applications for the FAO Scholarship Programme may be submitted until the end of February

Ministry of Rural Development, December 27, 2011 9:57 AM

The joint Scholarship Programme of the Hungarian Government and the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is to continue. Within the framework of the cooperation, the Ministry of Rural Development has taken on the tuition of around one hundred students from developing countries at Hungarian universities. The Ministry will be financing the students' tuition fees, college and other academic expenses, as well as providing a grant.

Hungarian Product Legislation under EU scrutiny

Ministry of Rural Development, December 23, 2011 5:11 PM

Preparation of the draft Hungarian Product Regulation has been completed. The draft must also be approved by the European Union, and so the Ministry has initiated the notification procedure. The Ministry of Rural Development aims to use the new legislation to regulate the voluntary labelling of foods, providing precise information on their origin, quality and methods of production.

8 Billion HUF in Interest and Charge Free Loans for Farmers who have Suffered Frost Damage

Ministry of Rural Development, December 23, 2011 9:07 AM

The Ministry of Rural Development has prepared a three-tier package of measures to aid farmers who have suffered frost damage, the second tier of which is comprised of an interest and charge free, long-term Frost Damage 2011 Current Asset Loan Programme from the Hungarian Development Bank. The order regarding these measures comes into force today.

Hungarian Grey Cattle Meat gains Protected Status

Ministry of Rural Development, December 14, 2011 6:18 PM

The European Commission has registered the name "Magyar szürkemarha hús" (Hungarian Grey Cattle Meat) among the protected geographical indications and designations of origin. The Commission has registered more that 1000 names, of which around 120 are in the fresh meat category.

Zoltán Illés holds talks with Danish Environment Minister

Ministry of Rural Development, December 14, 2011 3:12 PM

State Secretary for Environmental Affairs Zoltán Illés held discussions in Budapest today with Danish Minister of the Environment Ida Auken on, amongst others, the issues of hazardous materials, GMO crops and sustainable development. Denmark will be taking over the rotating presidency of the EU for the first half of 2012; the meeting involved discussions on the conciliation of environmental priorities. In the interests of the realisation of EU environmental goals, Hungary will be supporting the endeavours of the Danish Presidency.