Ministry of Rural Development

Sándor Fazekas, Dr.

Minister of Rural Development

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National Land Programme: 3000th Land Lease Contract Signed

Ministry of Rural Development, November 25, 2013 5:58 PM

"100 thousand hectares of state-owned land have been put to use and 3000 land lease contracts have been signed so far within the framework of the National Land Programme; the tendering of state-owned land and the adjudication of tender applications is occurring continuously", Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas announced at a press conference on Monday.

Hungary is doing everything possible to ensure that no new GM maize varieties enter commercial cultivation

Ministry of Rural Development, November 21, 2013 11:22 AM

"In accordance with the spirit of the Constitution, we cannot allow another GM maize variety to enter commercial cultivation within the European Union and Hungary", the Ministry of Rural Development's Parliamentary State Secretary Gyula Budai declared at the 5th stop of the Roadshow for a GMO-free Hungary series in Hódmezővásárhely, south-east Hungary.

Hungarian Food Included in EU List of Traditional Specialities

Ministry of Rural Development, November 20, 2013 11:31 AM

"Tepertős pogácsa" - traditional Hungarian salty scones with pork cracklings - have been entered onto the European Union's list of traditional food specialities. This is the first Hungarian "traditional speciality" to have been included.

Development of 4th National Environmental Protection Programme Complete

Ministry of Rural Development, November 18, 2013 3:16 PM

The development of the 4th National Environmental Protection programme, which is aimed at assuring the environmental requirements for sustainable development, is complete, the Ministry of Rural Development's Deputy State Secretary for Parliamentary, Social and International Relations Katalin Tóth announced on Friday in Budapest at the conference organised to discuss the new Programme.

Government Actively Supports South-East European EU Integration

Ministry of Rural Development, November 18, 2013 12:15 PM

"Hungary is actively contributing to the South-East European EU integration process and is playing a major role in providing pre-accession support within the fields of agriculture and rural development", Deputy State Secretary for Agricultural Economy Zsolt Feldman declared at the 7th ministerial session of the South-East Europe Rural Development Standing Work Group in Kopaonik, Serbia.

New Publication Showcases Hungary's Excellent White Wines

Ministry of Rural Development, November 12, 2013 10:24 AM

The Ministry of Rural Development has issued an exclusive publication showcasing the status of Hungarian white wines at the end of 2013. The state portfolio aims to help producers get their wines onto the market and the English language version, which will be published in December, also targets foreign markets. 15,000 copies of the publication will be printed in both Hungarian and English, and will be available free of charge to those interested.

Environment Month at the French Institute in Budapest

Ministry of Rural Development, November 7, 2013 3:56 PM

"The main objective of Environment Month has for the past 11 years been to address the upcoming generation, who have a key role to play in forming the future", Deputy State Secretary for Parliamentary, Social and International Relations Katalin Tóth said at the opening of the series of events jointly organised by the French Embassy, the French Institute and the Ministry of Rural Development.

Successful Negotiations in Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Rural Development, October 31, 2013 2:09 PM

The Ministry of Rural Development's Minister of State for Public Administration Géza Poprády and Managing Director of Hungarian National Trading House Co. Vilmos Skultéti are on a visit to Saudi Arabia to promote investment opportunities in Hungarian agriculture.

TeSzedd! campaign finishes successfully

Ministry of Rural Development, October 31, 2013 12:47 PM

The national TeSzedd! (“You Pick It!”) litter collection drive has come to a successful close once again with a record 1,025 settlements joining the initiative in 2013, Minister of State for Environmental Affairs Zoltán Illés told the press in Budapest today.

Pure Food is a Strategic Issue

Ministry of Rural Development, October 31, 2013 11:29 AM

Pure, healthy and high quality food is a strategic issue for Hungary, Gyula Budai declared in the Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg County town of Apagy, in North-East Hungary. The Ministry of Rural Development's Parliamentary State Secretary was speaking at the first stop in the Roadshow organised to promote GMO-free agriculture.