Ministry of Human Resources

Zoltán Balog

Minister of Human Resources

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Inauguration of the National Institute of Oncology’s new surgery block

Ministry of Human Resources, May 25, 2012 2:30 PM

‘The new building is a dream come true, which will serve the recovery of patients,’ emphasized Miklós Szócska, Minister of State for Health at the inauguration of the National Institute of Oncology’s (NIO) new block. György Matolcsy, Minister for National Economy also attended the ceremony.

European Swimming Championships in Debrecen

Ministry of Human Resources, May 24, 2012 8:36 AM

The European Swimming Championships are being held in Debrecen, in the Mecca of the European swimming sports. Today is the second day of the event. After 2006 and 2010, this year, too, Hungary is hosting the grand event between 21 and 27 May.

The Ministry of Human Resources condemns the desecration of the statue of Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest

Ministry of Human Resources, May 23, 2012 4:49 PM

The Ministry of Human Resources condemns the desecration of the statue of Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest and considers it as a repulsive act!

New legislation provides many guarantees of security for nationalities

Ministry of Human Resources, May 18, 2012 3:45 PM

On 17 May, Deputy Minister of State for Church, Civil Society and Nationality Affairs Csaba Latorcai had talks in Nagyvárad/ Oradea with the German Minister of the Interior Christoph Bergner. Both sides agreed that Germans in Hungary play an essential, bridge-building role in relations between the two countries.

Knowledge of economy and finance, healthy lifestyles, foreign language culture: Government adopts the National Core Curriculum

Ministry of Human Resources, May 18, 2012 3:44 PM

After several months of specialist and public consultations, at its meeting on Wednesday the Government adopted the National Core Curriculum, which is planned to take effect in 2013. The new Curriculum is the work of 150 specialists, including academics and teachers. Its adoption was announced by the new Minister for Human Resources, Zoltán Balog, and Minister of State for Education, Rózsa Hoffmann.

Zoltán Balog: The National Core Curriculum is modern and durable

Ministry of Human Resources, May 18, 2012 2:20 PM

The new National Core Curriculum (NAT) was accepted by the Government. Praising the new document the Minister of Social Resources said: „It can be a cohesion to our nation.”

Special accounts help children in care

Ministry of Human Resources, May 18, 2012 1:20 PM

A cooperation agreement has been signed by the Secretary of Social, Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Resources and OTP Bank in Budapest on 15th May 2012 in order to ensure that the bank would develop a value-keeping and personalized offer for the management of the savings of children in care.

Conference on past decades of healthcare

Ministry of Human Resources, May 18, 2012 11:18 AM

‘This Conference has great significance, as it creates an excellent forum to discuss healthcare related questions,’ said Miklós Szócska, Minister of State for Health at a unique professional workshop organized by Figyelő, attended by several previous Ministers of Health of Hungary.

A change of approach in elderly affairs

Ministry of Human Resources, May 17, 2012 3:37 PM

2012 is the European year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in the European Union. This term refers to a social and individual practice whereby quality of life in old age can be improved. This does not only include economic activity and staying in the labour market but also active participation in social, cultural and civil life, as well as social reintegration.

Cutback on designer drugs

Ministry of Human Resources, May 16, 2012 3:41 PM

Besides the slow increase in illicit drug use, the consumption of designer drugs dramatically increased in Hungary between 2009 and 2011. These psychoactive substances with more or less unpredictable effects are spreading apace especially among the youth. Due to their rapidly changing composition, prohibiting and penalizing them presented serious problems. The Government has implemented new instruments against the distribution of drugs, and the early results have already been achieved.