Ministry of Human Resources

Zoltán Balog

Minister of Human Resources

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Ceremony in honour of Olympians, Paralympians and other members of the Hungarian team

Ministry of Human Resources, September 17, 2012 4:19 PM

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog, State Secretary for Sports Affairs and Deputy State Secretary for Sports Affairs Pál Szekeres handed over awards to Olympians and Paralympians winning 4th, 5th and 6th place and officials helping their success at this year’s Games. The ceremony honouring members of the Hungarian team was held at the Museum of Fine Arts on 17 September.

Ministry of Human Resources welcomes UNESCO honouring János Szentágothai and Sir Georg Solti

Ministry of Human Resources, September 13, 2012 4:46 PM

On Friday, 14 September the United Nations' Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) will host high-profile events to honour Hungarian neuroscientist János Szentágothai and Hungarian-born British conductor Sir Georg Solti in Paris.

Hungarian avant-garde artisits’ paintings in Vienna

Ministry of Human Resources, September 12, 2012 6:28 PM

On Tuesday, 11 September the Bank Austria Kunstforum opened the exhibition “The Eight. Hungary’s Highway to Modernism” about the group of eight painters - Károly Kernstok, Béla Czóbel, Róbert Berény, Ödön Márffy, Lajos Tihanyi, Dezsö Orbán, Bertalan Pór, Dezsö Czigány.

The Ministry of Human Resources has organized a tender on preserving Roma cultural values

Ministry of Human Resources, September 12, 2012 2:01 PM

The Ministry of Human Resources is targeting the Roma with its recently published tender, which provides support for the realization of Roma cultural events and the production of other cultural content and products. The domestically funded project helps to set up cultural forums aiming at the preservation of Roma culture, traditions and language.

Minister of State for Culture László L. Simon signs cultural work plan with Estonia's Minister of Culture Rein Lang

Ministry of Human Resources, September 7, 2012 3:26 PM

The Sixth World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples concluded with a declaration marking the success of a 20-year cooperation between Finno-Ugric nations, institutions and civil society organisations. In the closing plenary session of the congress, Minister of State for Culture László L. Simon delivered a speech and, together with his Estonian counterpart, signed a four-year cultural work plan.

Zoltán Balog Presents Medals to Hungarian Paralympic Team – 10 Medals So Far

Ministry of Human Resources, September 6, 2012 6:15 PM

Following the success story of the Hungarian team at the summer Olympic Games, the Hungarian Paralympic Team’s performance is hot in their footsteps: our athletes have won two gold, four silver and four bronze medals so far.

President Áder emphasises the importance of Finno-Ugric relations

Ministry of Human Resources, September 5, 2012 6:28 PM

The Ministry of Human Resources designated 150 million forints to the Hungarian Office of the Finno-Ugric World Congress to organise the three-day event, and appointed Deputy State Secretary for Cultural Affairs Judit Hammerstein as the main coordinator of the preparations.

Top officials address school year opening

Ministry of Human Resources, September 3, 2012 9:24 AM

Parliamentary Speaker Laszlo Kover, Human Resources Minister Zoltan Balog and Education State Secretary Rozsa Hoffmann addressed school-year opening events in Hungary on Sunday.

’The employment of Roma people in the public sector and jurisdiction’ - State Reform

Ministry of Human Resources, August 30, 2012 5:27 PM

The ‘Employment of Roma people in the public sector and jurisdiction’ program aims to boost the integration process by enabling more Roma people to be involved in the control of public affairs and in generally the public sector than nowadays. The project addresses the employment of Roma people with higher education degree, having taken the examination as civil servants and judicial staff by paying full wage cost for 12 months including contributions prescribed by law.

The 6th World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples starts on 5 September

Ministry of Human Resources, August 30, 2012 5:07 PM

Hungary will host the 6th World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples in Siófok between 5 and 7 September. The event aims to strengthen cultural, economic and political ties between Finno-Ugric countries and communities. For the first time this year, the Congress will also host an economic forum.