Ministry of Defence

Csaba Hende

Minister of Defence

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Department for Defence Planning

Ministry of Defence

The main tasks of the Defence Planning Department are the elaboration of the strategic guidance regarding military capability development – especially the Defence Ministerial Guidelines concerning defence planning - ; contribution the elaboration of strategic documents regarding teh NATO defence procedure and the EU capability development process.

Department for Defence Policy

Ministry of Defence

The Defence Policy Department of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence operates under the supervision of the Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning. The tasks undertaken by the department include:

Ministry of Defence Department for Administration and Legal Representation

Ministry of Defence

Tasks of the Administration Section:

Department for Legal

Ministry of Defence

International section:

Department for Human Policy

Ministry of Defence


Department for Planning and Coordination

Ministry of Defence

Performs its duties under the direct control of the State Secretary.
Its purpose:

Ministry of Defence, Press Office

Ministry of Defence

The department is under the direction of the Head of the Cabinet.

The Hungarian National Interest and the Hungarian EU Presidency

Ministry of Defence, May 6, 2010 9:07 AM

Within its sectoral training programme for the preparation of the EU Presidency, the Ministry of Defence organised its third presidency seminar on April 28 where well-known foreign and security policy experts outlined their opinions on the relation of the Hungarian national interests and the forthcoming Hungarian EU Presidency.

Hungarian liaison officer in the Belgian Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Defence, May 3, 2010 8:42 AM

The Ministry of Defence – in order to foster the co-operation within the Spanish-Belgian-Hungarian Trio Presidency as well as to prepare for the Hungarian EU presidency – will delegate a liaison officer to the Belgian Ministry of Defence for the period of the Belgian Presidency in the second half of 2010.

Second Presidency Seminar

Ministry of Defence, April 14, 2010 8:52 AM

The second round of the MoD’s sectoral Presidency training seminars was organised by the Defence Policy Department on 31st March, 2010.