Ministry of Defence

Csaba Hende

Minister of Defence

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Focus on sustainable energy

Ministry of Defence, May 12, 2011 3:19 PM

A Conference on Sustainable Energy for EU Crisis Management was held in the framework of 5th RENEXPO Central Europe in Budapest, on 5th and 6th May. The conference has been designed to provide a platform for participants to meet and share experience in the field of production and use of renewable energy.

Unity is strength

Ministry of Defence, May 11, 2011 12:29 PM

Minister of Defence of the Hungarian Republic Csaba Hende and Austrian Defence Minister Norbert Darabos held talks at a border meeting in Szombathely on 6 May. Following the strategic principle of pooling and sharing Hungary is to offer its capabilities in three areas: air policing tasks, defence against IED (Improvised Explosives Devices) attacks and medical support, Csaba Hende said at the Szombathely meeting.

Hungarian-Serbian National Armaments Directors meetings

Ministry of Defence, May 10, 2011 8:42 AM

Minister of Defence for Material Resources Ilija Pilipović paid an official visit to Hungary at the invitation of Mr Gábor Márki, Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy on 20 and 21 April.

Minister of Defence received journalists from Ukraine

Ministry of Defence, May 9, 2011 3:47 PM

Minister of Defence Csaba Hende received journalists from Ukraine on 5 May 2011. The main topics discussed during the meeting were international military engagement, Hungarian-Ukrainian bilateral military cooperation and the role of the Hungarian Army in patriotic education. The guests were accompanied by Mr Endre Szalipszki, the Hungarian Consul to Ungvár.

Chief of Defence Staff held talks in Warsaw

Ministry of Defence, May 9, 2011 12:16 PM

At the invitation of General Mieczysław Cieniuch, General Tibor Benkő, Chief of Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces paid an official visit to Warsaw at the end of April. During the talks military tasks of the Hungarian EU Presidency, peacekeeping operations and the military career model have been reviewed.

ATHENA ‘Away Days’ in Hungary

Ministry of Defence, May 6, 2011 6:41 PM

The EU ATHENA Special Committee held its informal meeting in Hungary on 4-6 May, 2011. The EU ATHENA Special Committee is a financial working body dealing with financial questions of the EU’s military crisis management missions.

Ludovika Festival to be held in Orczy Park

Ministry of Defence, May 5, 2011 2:00 PM

The 2nd Ludovika Festival will be held in Orczy Park, Budapest between May 13 and May 15 2011.

Cyberspace could also be war theatre

Ministry of Defence, May 4, 2011 9:58 AM

On 2 May, the Ministry of Defence organized a Presidency conference on the security of virtual space. Participants of the meeting in Budapest, reviewed the international community’s potential responses to the transformation of cyberspace, into a theatre of war. The conference was opened by Minister of Defence, Csaba Hende.

EU Chiefs of Defence meet to discuss military challenges

Ministry of Defence, May 3, 2011 7:33 PM

The Chiefs of Defence of the 27 European Member States met on 3 May 2011 in Brussels, under the chairmanship of General Håkan Syrén, to discuss the state of play regarding the military operations conducted by the European Union as well as the main activities and initiatives of the Union for improving European military capabilities.

Meeting of the EU Military Committee

Ministry of Defence, May 2, 2011 10:08 AM

The Chiefs of Defence of the 27 European Member States meet on 3rd May 2011 in Brussels, under the chairmanship of General Håkan Syrén.