Ministry of Defence

Csaba Hende

Minister of Defence

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Expanding the Scope of German–Hungarian Military Cooperation

Ministry of Defence, May 9, 2012 8:12 AM

Defence Minister Csaba Hende held discussions with Christian Schmidt, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Defence on the opportunities of expanding the scope of German–Hungarian military cooperation.

Discussion between Hungarian and German Parliamentary State Secretaries

Ministry of Defence, May 9, 2012 7:45 AM

On May 2. István Simicskó, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence received Christian Schmidt, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Defence. Their discussion focused on the operational cooperation of the two countries in Afghanistan, and the German and Hungarian systems of volunteer reserve.

Strategic Communication Is Important

Ministry of Defence, May 8, 2012 11:19 AM

The work of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) is a significant contribution to the positive image of what the Regional Command North and the ISAF troops are doing in Baghlan Province, Maj.-Gen. Erich Pfeffer, the commander of the Afghanistan-based International Security Assistance Forces Regional Command North (ISAF RC N) said on his visit to the Hungarian camp.

Attack Helicopter Mentors to Stay On in Afghanistan

Ministry of Defence, May 3, 2012 1:27 PM

With the governmental decree No. 1126/2012 (25/04), the government of Hungary extended the mandate of the HDF Mi-35 Air Mentor Team (AMT), which now runs until 1 September 2012. The HDF AMT is tasked with training the Afghan Air Force in Afghanistan.

Italian Senior Enlisted Leader at the Helicopter Base

Ministry of Defence, May 2, 2012 1:18 PM

Chief master sergeant Diego Cagnazzo, senior enlisted leader of the Italian Armed Forces, has paid an official visit to the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base. He was accompanied by csm Istvan Kriston, and csm Laszlo Toth, command sergeant majors of the HDF and HDF JFC, respectively. The visitors were welcomed by lieutenant colonel Laszlo Nagy, Deputy Chief of Base Staff.

Patriotism is based on the community

Ministry of Defence, April 25, 2012 2:14 PM

In particular, thinking about patriotism has a special stake nowadays, especially when working on the renewal of the Hungarian defence system, “… and when thinking about the future of Europe what is in a crisis now” – said Csaba Hende Defence Minister of Hungary at the conference “Patriotism in the European Union”, organised by the Association of the Hungarian Graduates of Germany in 21 April.

Hungary Discusses Timeline for Drawdown of Forces from Afghanistan

Ministry of Defence, April 23, 2012 9:36 AM

This year Hungary is not planning to significantly reduce its contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, but it has started discussions with the allies on the timeline of the expected future drawdown – Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende told General John Allen, the Commander of ISAF in Brussels on April 18.

Discussions at the Bundeswehr Operations Command

Ministry of Defence, April 23, 2012 7:29 AM

On April 18 Maj.-Gen. László Domján, the Commander of the HDF Joint Force Command paid a visit to Potsdam at the invitation of Lt-Gen. Rainer Glatz, the Commander of the Bundeswehr Operations Command.

Security, Efficiency and the Rate of Developments Are Key Aspects

Ministry of Defence, April 18, 2012 9:27 AM

Of course, ISAF will not let Afghanistan down, it is only the current system that will be transformed radically. This was stated at a conference recently held in Camp Pannonia, Afghanistan. The event was organized on the initiative of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) with the aim of providing a venue for brainstorming and analyzing the lessons learned in the provinces of the northern region that had been involved in earlier phases of the transition process.

Ministerial Answer on the Volunteer Reserve System

Ministry of Defence, April 18, 2012 9:15 AM

“The legal framework of the Volunteer Reserve System has been established alongside the labor law guarantees of the reservist service, and the tasks of the volunteer defence reservists and the volunteer operational reservists have been set” – Csaba Hende said in his answer during question time. Speaking at the Parliament sitting on Monday, April 16, the Minister of Defence reasserted that the Hungarian Defence Forces would have 8,000 reservists by the end of 2014.