Orbán Viktor az alábbi levelet írta Richard Holbrooke özvegyének.

Kedves Kati,

 I was shocked to hear about the loss of your beloved husband. Let me express my personal sympathy and deep sorrow to you as you are going through these difficult times. Richard’s outstanding personality and leadership will be greatly missed around the world. His undying efforts to bring peace to our war-torn neighbourhood after long years of bloody war will always be remembered in Central Europe. His tireless work saved lives of thousands and gave hope to millions in the Balkans.

Richard’s diplomatic service which span across continents is a shining example of the tremendous impact an individual can make in helping the world be a better, more peaceful and prosperous place.

I hope that the memory of his exceptional life will serve to console you in these days of grief. Please be sure that your friends like Anikó and I are thinking of you in these difficult times. Our hearts go out to you and your family.

Imádkozunk Érted és családodért.

Viktor Orbán

(kormany.hu, orbanviktor.hu)