Martonyi János beszéde a Demokráciák Közössége találkozóján, New Yorkban

  • Hungary welcomes the revival of the Community of Democracies and, at the same time, its transformation into a modern and more operational institution
  • we believe the Community of Democracies is a uniquely appropriate structure to deal with the challenges of the new world we live in
  • WHY?
  • It addresses the most important issue of today’s world:  democracy in the most direct way
  • it reflects the recognition that Governments and civil society must work together: traditional diplomacy or the use of force alone cannot bring sustainable results
  • we especially welcome the Democracy Partnership Challenge initiative , which concentrates on the great challenge democratic transition poses to the countries concerned – but also the community of democratic nations, how this transition can be supported
  • it was in this spirit that we created several years ago already the International Center for Democratic Transition that has concentrated on this task and achieved quite a few good results
  • it is a special honor to serve as the chair of the Working Group on Threats to Democracy and Transition, which we will continue to do in the future
  • we also feel honored that the ICDT has been designated as the supporting institution for the Democracy Partnership Challenge initiative
  • we have been and will be active, within the limited means at our disposal, in support of democratic transitions
  • in line with the decisions of the Community of Democracies, we will pay special attention to the two countries designated for the Democracy Partnership Challenges, Moldova and Tunisia
  • as the then Presidency of the European Union I have paid special attention to the Arab Spring and we will continue to do so by offering to share our experience in transition
  • we plan several concrete projects in both countries
  • in Moldova we will continue to work on the Moldova- Transnjistria-Ukraine Euroregion as well as the creation of a special Fund to support civil society in Moldova and in the Eastern Partnership countries
  • in Egypt we suggested several projects, which include support for good Governance in the security sector, rural development and capacity-building of the civil society
  • in Tunisia we plan to build a center for the training of civil society activists that can be broadened to become a regional center
  • in addition, we will be happy to serve on the Governing Council and support the Community of Democracies also by our active participation in this new body
