28 March 2013, Budapest

It is with affection that I welcome home our troops! The soldiers have come home, it's so good to say it: they're home! My best regards to their relatives and a special welcome to the children. You must have been very proud of you parents, proud of your fathers and mothers. You were missed not only by your families, not just by your friends, but by the whole county,Ladies and Gentlemen.The Hungarian contingent wasn't a forgotten legion, we followed your work closely. We saw that you performed your task successfully and left a mark in the world you served in. Today, protecting one's homeland means taking parting in the military operations of the organisation that guarantees our security, that of Hungary. We joined the international operation seven years ago, you have performed your duties and graduated with flying colours in helpfulness and humanity, have stood your ground and gained recognition for Hungary, and a reputation for yourselves and your homeland. Our hearts are of course still with those - some 430 of them - who are still in service in Afghanistan, but within the framework of another programme.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Those comrades of ours who gave their lives for their calling and for honour are naturally also here with us today in spirit. Hungary owes them a debt of gratitude for their sacrifice.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

This was not an exercise, but a live situation. Experience can only be gained in the field and in true, live situations. For we Hungarians to feel secure here at home requires a national defence force made up of experienced, proven and self-giving soldiers. Those who join the army chose a vocation that takes them to the frontiers of human existence, because they must always be prepared for the fact that performing their duties and honour may require even the greatest possible sacrifice. In the name of the whole nation I thank you for your unwavering determination and for the excellent performance of your duties! Hungary is proud of you! We thank God that you have returned home safely. Please, never forget: honour above all else! I wish all of you, your friends and families a blessed and happy Easter!
