Prime Minister’s Office

Viktor Orbán

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The Prime Minister sums up the Government’s first two years in office

Prime Minister’s Office, June 1, 2012 2:31 PM

’We can look back on the last two years as a successful period, because Hungary has been able to stabilise itself’: this is how Prime Minister Viktor Orbán summed up the Government’s first two years in office. He drew attention to the fact that government finances are stable, that next year the budget deficit will continue to be under three per cent, and that a new constitution has been created.

National consultations will begin concerning job creation

Prime Minister’s Office, May 25, 2012 4:03 PM

The Government will consult the public primarily on issues related to the creation of jobs as part of another series of national consultations, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday in the morning show of the public service radio.

Orbán: Hungary is reducing its state debt

Prime Minister’s Office, May 25, 2012 4:00 PM

The Prime Minister believes it would be disastrous in Hungary’s current situation if we attempted to achieve economic growth at the expense of a rise in state debt. Viktor Orbán spoke about this in the morning show of the public service radio.

Prime Minister Orbán aims to decrease debts and increase competitiveness at the same time

Prime Minister’s Office, May 24, 2012 6:45 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated at the press conference following the EU summit yesterday that each member state showed a constructive and supportive attitude towards Greece at the working dinner. The member states intended to convey the message to the Greek citizens that they should decide about the fate of their country with keeping in mind that Europe can only be their partner in saving Greece if they do not disregard the agreements made with the EU earlier.

Viktor Orbán before the EU summit

Prime Minister’s Office, May 24, 2012 3:40 PM

Hungary supports all forms and means of economic growth that do not result in increased debt, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Wednesday in Brussels, before the meeting of the heads of state and prime ministers of EU Member States concerning this topic.

Ministerial candidate for IMF negotiations heard in Parliament

Prime Minister’s Office, May 22, 2012 5:33 PM

Mihály Varga, candidate for minister without portfolio for leading the negotiations between Hungary and the IMF and the EU was heard today by the relevant parliamentary committee which supported his appointment in that capacity. As is known, Viktor Orbán is reshuffling his cabinet in some positions; Mihály Varga, who was previously State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office and also Finance Minister at the time of the first Orbán Government, will take over the lead of the EU-IMF negotiations from Tamás Fellegi as of 1 June.

Viktor Orbán congratulated the newly elected Serbian President of the Republic

Prime Minister’s Office, May 22, 2012 11:41 AM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán congratulated Tomislav Nikolic on his election as Serbia’s President of the Republic in a letter.

Viktor Orbán at the NATO summit

Prime Minister’s Office, May 22, 2012 11:33 AM

The Prime Minister said at the Chicago NATO summit that Hungary will offer half a million US dollars annually over a period of three years for the financing of the Afghan security forces. According to the Prime Minister, the Afghanistan contribution is a realistic burden for the country, representing one and a half million US dollars in total between 2015 and 2017, and is adjusted to Hungary’s economic situation.

Viktor Orbán urged the NATO accession of Macedonia and Montenegro

Prime Minister’s Office, May 21, 2012 5:23 PM

Collective defence must continue to remain NATO’s chief focus, and missile defence is an important means in achieving this, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Chicago at the opening meeting of NATO’s 25th summit where he also urged the accession of Macedonia and Montenegro to the military alliance within the shortest possible time.

Viktor Orbán addressed Hungarians living in the US

Prime Minister’s Office, May 21, 2012 1:27 PM

Viktor Orbán delivered a speech to Hungarians living in the US in the Chicago St. Stephen Church on the occasion of his visit to the United States.