Hungary can be proud of its engineers, IT experts and physicists working at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated on Sunday.

He spoke after visiting the Geneva headquarters of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research together with President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences József Pálinkás.

DownloadPhoto: Brice Maximilien, CERN

The Prime Minister stated that he had met over sixty Hungarian employees at CERN, including scientists, PhD students and students, who had important positions and were participating in serious research at the highest level. "We have every reason to be proud of our engineers, physicists and IT experts," Prime Minister Orbán said, noting that Hungarians are overrepresented at the CERN headquarters in proportion to the country's output and population.
During their visit, the Hungarian delegation was briefed on current CERN projects and the organisation's future plans.

The Hungarian Prime Minister said that they had agreed with leaders of the research institute on strengthening professional and financial cooperation. As a member of CERN since 1992, Hungary is contributing 1.7 billion forints (EUR 5.6m) to the organisation this year, he added.

DownloadPhoto: Brice Maximilien, CERN

In June 2013, a new CERN data centre was established in Budapest, due to the country’s excellent geographical position, stable IT and communications infrastructure and highly qualified workforce. The opening event was also attended by CERN Director General Rolf-Dieter Heuer, who stated that CERN has two hearts; one in Switzerland and now one in Hungary.

(Prime Minister's Office)