A summit meeting took place in Warsaw between the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and the Prime Minister of Japan.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared that Hungary is taking over the presidency of the Visegrad Group at the best time, because the country has just stepped onto the path of growth after completing the establishment of an economic system based on work.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated that the priorities of the Hungarian V4 presidency include energy security, infrastructural development between north and south, security policy (the creation of a common V4 military unit by 2016), the strengthening of economic cooperation at SME and chamber of commerce level as well as the establishment of inter-parliamentary cooperation within the framework of which parliamentary delegations would meet twice a year.

Photo: MTI, Szilárd Koszticsák

According to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, if the Central European region does not grow, then a significant recession will be experienced within the whole European Union. Regarding the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that much attention is given by Hungarians to the often extraordinary initiatives aimed at boosting Japanese economic renewal, and we look with great hope towards Japan's economic success.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pointed out that that there is significant cooperation between Japan and the V4 countries with regard to defence, economic issues and energy, drawing attention to the fact that Japanese investment companies have already created almost 120,000 workplaces in the four Visegrad countries.

On the 24th anniversary of Imre Nagy’s reburial, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán laid a wreath on a plaque at a square in Warsaw where the Polish people gave blood and collected money and clothes for the Hungarian revolutionaries in 1956.

(Prime Minister’s Office)