Prime Minister Viktor Orbán began his one-day visit to Vienna by laying a wreath at the memorial plaque of József Mindszenty, Cardinal, Prince Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom. The Prime Minister arrived on Tuesday morning at the building of the Collegium Pazmanianum, the seminary established by Péter Pázmány, in the Austrian capital where Cardinal József Mindszenty spent the last years of his life from 1971.

József Mindszenty, one of the greatest 20th century figures of the Hungarian Catholic Church died in Vienna in 1975. He spent his life during communism in persecution; at the time of the 1956 revolution, he gave hope and faith to the Hungarians rebelling against the Soviet occupation and dictatorship with his radio speeches. Viktor Orbán recalled his historical figure at the wreath-laying ceremony by sending at least two important messages to the Hungarian people; one of them being loyalty, which is one of the most important values also at present, and the other one is moral courage, humility for the cause, because if one has a mission, a task, he must subject himself to it even under the most severe circumstances.

The Prime Minister thanked Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, for sharing this event of paying respects. The relationship of Christianity and politics is one of the most sensitive questions in today’s secularised Europe; this does not mean, however, that it should not be dealt with. “In actual fact, based on my reasoning, it is just the other way round; the more sensitive an issue, the more exciting it is to ponder”, the Premier said, who also welcomed the group of Hungarians living in Austria who attended the event.

Following this, Viktor Orbán had a meeting with Christoph Schönborn and the representatives of local Hungarians, and will later attend the official inauguration of the large-sized work on public display of Hungarian painter László Fehér which covers the headquarters of the insurance company Vienna Insurance Group. After this, the Prime Minister will have informal talks with Chancellor of Austria Werner Faymann and will also meet with Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger.
