Hungary supports all forms and means of economic growth that do not result in increased debt, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Wednesday in Brussels, before the meeting of the heads of state and prime ministers of EU Member States concerning this topic.

“We, Hungarians have learned in the last eight years that debt eventually results in the loss of our home. For every penny that we spend, someone will have to pay sooner or later; in other words, someone has to work for the money we spend. We therefore support growth, however, only the kind that does not result in increased debt”, the Prime Minister said.

The Hungarian viewpoint is that all possible means must be taken into consideration for the promotion of growth, and the range of tools at our disposal must be broadened. At the same time, there is today only a single means in the European Union, in the Prime Minister’s opinion, that has already proven that it is able to bring about growth and to create jobs; these are the cohesion funds. “The cohesion funds have to date created 2.5 million jobs in Europe. It would be irresponsible to reallocate funds from here, and we therefore do not support any such scheme.”

Viktor Orbán also reiterated that it is important for Hungary that the euro consolidate because the firmer the ground the euro stands on, the more stable the forint is. As Hungary does not form part of the eurozone, Hungary is not directly concerned in the debates which are about how to save and how to consolidate the euro or what threats the euro is exposed to. Hungary is, however, very much concerned indirectly as if there is trouble in the eurozone and Hungary is not strong enough on its own two feet, it may also destabilise Hungary.

Viktor Orbán stressed that any debate concerning the eurozone does not affect Hungary’s economic policy; the content of our economic policy does not depend on what Brussels is doing. The Government has a firm concept on how to pull the country out from beneath the heaps of debt and how to improve competitiveness. This is, as the Prime Minister highlighted, very difficult to achieve at the same time; there are few countries that, while heavily in debt, are able to simultaneously achieve both these goals. “The Hungarian people have worked hard for this and have made sacrifices, and we shall not compromise on these goals”, Viktor Orbán pointed out.

After the summit of EU heads of state and prime ministers, Herman Van Rompuy and José Manual Barroso stressed that the attainment of financial stability and the promotion of economic growth are not in conflict. These two targets are not alternative goals; they are both essential. The body did not adopt decisions at its meeting, however, it prepared the ground in several respects for the official EU summit to be held at the end of June.
