Further to the conclusion of a strategic partnership agreement with Danish company Lego on 15 April, Primer Minister Viktor Orbán today inaugurated and laid the cornerstone of the company’s new factory in the north-eastern Hungarian city of Nyiregyháza.

At the inauguration ceremony, the Prime Minister told participants that in 2010, Hungary launched a project which is similar to the one developed and represented by the Danish company. In Lego's spirit, we have not chosen the conventional path but have taken our own path in European crisis management, he said, adding that tradition and innovation are of utmost importance for both Lego and Hungary.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

The 200 million euro expansion of the company’s production capacity in Nyiregyháza will create 250 additional jobs. Production at the new plant is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2014.

(Prime Minister’s Office)