Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met the chairmen of county-level local government assemblies in Parliament on Monday.

At the meeting, which was also attended by State Secretary in charge of the Prime Minister's Office János Lázár and State Secretary Zoltán Cséfalvy from the Ministry of National Economy, the parties conducted constructive discussions on the future role of the counties. They discussed what economic, regional and rural development funding the counties may have access to in the European Union 2013-2020 development cycle. According to the Government's plans, at least ten percent of development funding will be disbursed by county local governments during this period. At the meeting between the Government and the leaders of the county local authorities, it was determined that the Government had taken over a total of HUF 196 billion from the counties, and so the situation of regions that are in economic difficulties is now in order. The Government has also taken over the management of institutions, leaving the counties to deal with regional development tasks in the future.

Bertalan Havasi
Chief Press Officer to the Prime Minister

((Prime Minister's Office))