Beneficiaries of the past 20-25 years in Europe and in Hungary should bear a larger part of the public burden, Minister of State heading the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár said at a conference on 23 November.

At the event, organised by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium and the Budapest Business and Communications College, Lázár said that the wealthy sectors should contribute more to public obligations or political stability could be compromised. It is important to increasingly involve the commercial, banking, and energy sectors as well as international companies in the process, he said.

János Lázár (photo: MTI, Lajos Soós)

Politicians are in a difficult situation when they have to make it clear to a society accustomed to welfare that they have to work more and that their life will no longer be as comfortable, Lázár said, adding that the situation was similar in Western European countries.

On another subject, Lázár said that public administration should be small but strong and dynamic, able to coordinate a multitude of different interests. The government’s endeavour to build efficient and financeable structures is currently becoming a reality in the social service and health sectors. The Hungarian state still has some potential to exploit in the digital, IT and communications sectors, the Minister of State added.

(Prime Minister’s Office)