The Prime Minister believes that countries in Central Europe know what democracy is like because they know dictatorship. Viktor Orbán made this statement after a meeting with Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha in Budapest on Monday, who spoke about the importance of strengthening the two countries’ economic and educational ties.

Viktor Orbán said, he always listened with interest to the remarks regarding democracy of those who never lived in dictatorship; he, however, heeds more the words concerning democracy of those who actually experienced dictatorship. Only those will know well enough the meaning of white who know what black is like, the Premier remarked in illustration, and added, the countries of Central Europe know what democracy is like because they know dictatorship, „and the dictatorship suffered by Albania was one of the most brutal types”. Therefore, if anyone knows what democracy and freedom are like, it must be the Albanians, he said and turning to Sali Berisha, the Prime Minister added, he was most delighted to welcome a committed freedom fighter to Hungary.

Sali Berisha and Viktor Orbán (photo: Károly Árvai)

In answer to a journalist’s question, Viktor Orbán remarked, he is more afraid of regimes that, whilst giving the impression of being democratic, are based on permanent compromises and secret pacts than of open debates. Albania today conforms to all democratic standards that are necessary for EU membership, and therefore the state of democracy and political debate in Albania does not give rise to any concern on the EU’s part, he stated.

At the same time, Viktor Orbán stressed the importance of Albania gaining accession to the EU within the shortest possible time. He argued, Albania is an important country, and will be even more important in the future; it is a growing state which is situated in one of the most important regions from the respect of European stability. „The next 15 to 20 years will demonstrate Albania’s increased significance, both in European stability and from an economic point of view", he opined, and added, Hungary therefore regards Albania and the entire Balkan region as a strategic partner.

Sali Berisha and Viktor Orbán (photo: Károly Árvai)

Sali Berisha stressed, among other things, that the two countries’ economic and educational ties should be strengthened, and further said thanks for the assistance provided with his country’s NATO membership.

According to the Albanian Prime Minister, Albania is becoming stronger every day, and its economic climate is better than ever. He mentioned as an example that new motorways were being built in Albania, and Albania was also seeking to obtain the contributions of Hungarian firms in these projects.

He also added, Viktor Orbán pledged to provide help with enabling more Albanian students to come to study in Hungary, while the Albanians would like to adopt Hungary’s higher education funding model.

In response to Viktor Orbán’s words, the Albanian Prime Minister confirmed, the Albanians were compelled to experience perhaps the hardest dictatorship compared with other states.
