The Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency (HITA) presented awards to the best export companies for the second time this year. The awards were presented by State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó.

In his speech, the State Secretary highlighted that the Government has two main foreign policy objectives: increasing Hungarian exports to countries outside Europe to a third of the total exports, and increasing the ratio of SMEs within exports.

DownloadPhoto: Mohai Balázs/MTI

The Government and various national agencies are helping small and medium-sized enterprises with numerous programmes, such as the opening of trade houses around the world, focusing on the East, and delegating foreign trade experts to the firms involved. Mr. Szijjártó emphasised the fact that the small enterprises represent the heart of the Hungarian national economy, employing 73.5% of the national workforce and providing 55 percent of total corporate added value, but are responsible for only 23% of exports.

The Exporter of the Year Award is presented to domestic micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which have self-manufacture products, whose export activities contribute significantly to the development of the Hungarian economy, and whose operations act as an example to other Hungarian enterprises. 93 enterprises submitted a total of 128 applications in 6 different categories.

Photo: Mohai Balázs/MTI

The awarded companies acquire the right to use a special Exporter of the Year Award trademark, will be highlighted on the HITA website and foreign special issues, thus supporting their further growth. The winners of this year's awards were Loxon Solutions Zrt., Admatis Kft., WebEye International Ltd., Naturtex Gyapjú és Tollfeldolgozó Ltd., 3DHISTECH Ltd. and Gertrúd Borbíró, CEO of Cosmed Ltd. and winner of the Successful Female Exporter Award, which was presented for the first time this year.