The Government has introduced several measures aimed at boosting exports of small and medium-sized companies, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó said on Tuesday.

He spoke at an event of the Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency (HITA), where he introduced Enterprise Europe Network ambassadors. He stated that the Government had set up the National Trading House to support SMEs in foreign markets. Trading houses specialised in contacts with specific countries have been set up, and experts and development programmes for suppliers have been used to help SMEs in foreign markets. The HITA-operated Hungarian branch of the Enterprise Europe Network may function as an additional tool to help SMEs abroad, he said.

Fotó: Bruzták Noémi/MTI

The network offers Hungarian SMEs international innovation and partner search functions, he added. Hungarian SMEs give work to 75% of employees and their share of the country's exports is 23% of the total which means there is great potential for improvement, he added. Over the past two years Hungarian SMEs made very successful use of EEN services and the network yielded 174 international business contacts, Mr Szijjártó said.

(Prime Minister’s Office)