Oracle, one of the world’s leading business software and hardware corporations, is setting up a development centre in Hungary and will increase workforce by 10%, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó announced at a press conference on Monday.

Oracle's decision confirms that Hungary is a reliable and predictable partner, and that the government's efforts to create an investor-friendly business environment have been successful, State Secretary Szijjártó said. He recalled that a few weeks ago on his visit to the United States he met amongst others with the representatives of Oracle.

Photo: Tibor Illyés (MTI)
With this decision, he added, the company is placing its confidence in highly qualified Hungarian IT professionals and through that in Hungarian technical and engineering higher education, as well as the government’s policy supporting R&D and innovation.

State Secretary Szijjártó underlined that this new development centre makes it possible for highly qualified Hungarian professionals to contribute to a better functioning of the world economy, since the databases, IT solutions and applications facilitate the work of companies which would hardly be manageable without them.

Photo: Tibor Illyés (MTI)

Csaba Reményi, the Managing Director of Oracle Hungary, said that the new centre called Oracle Applications Lab (OAL) will expand the company's activities in Hungary to include an innovative international development function and will start operating this year.

This is the third Oracle unit that has been installed in Hungary by Oracle in the past two years, he added, stating that the company welcomes the fact that engineering and IT training enjoys priority in the government’s education strategy.

Photo: Tibor Illyés (MTI)

The Managing Director stated that since 2007 Oracle has been supporting Hungary’s higher education through its junior program, which includes three universities, 6500 students and a further 12 universities joining recently. Oracle has been present in Hungary since 1993, employs more than 200 people and has 250 partners offering the company’s full portfolio.

(Prime Minister's Office)